2023-2024 Undergraduate General Catalog


COMM 123 Environmental Advocacy (C)

Effective advocacy is essential in contemporary society. When discussing social issues, critical thinking and speaking are needed to effect change. This is certainly true in the field of environmental science and policy. Bountiful research and scientific evidence demonstrate various environmental impacts of humans on the environment—deforestation, water pollution, climate change, species extinction, and many more. The context of the course is environmental advocacy and students will examine movements (social and environmental), scientific research, public policy, and other topics to gain understanding. This course develops basic skill in advocacy—critical thinking, research, evidence, and argument construction. By the end of the course, students will integrate advocacy skills with knowledge of environmental policy to debate public policy and engage in advocacy.





COMM 125 Public Health Advocacy (C)

Effective advocacy is essential in contemporary society. When discussing social issues, critical thinking and speaking are needed to effect change. These statements are particularly true in public health. Whether it is COVID-19, cancer or the common cold, the health care system suffers from inadequate, inconsistent, and often incorrect communication. Consequently, students will critically analyze the current state of public health communication to develop compelling arguments. Students will also develop critical messaging skills to inform, persuade, and motivate people with better public health communication. Topics covered in this class will include the nature of public health advocacy, audience analysis and adaptation focused on public health concerns, translating scientific information in the public sphere, effective language/persuasive strategies, visual persuasion, effective rhetorical/oral form and style. We will analyze public health communication in a variety of contexts, from the standard “beside manner, take 2 of these and call me in the morning” doctor’s office to social media memes and classic public health communication campaigns. 



COMM 197 Topics

Topics course - repeatable if a different topic. Description on augie.edu/registrar.



COMM 199 Independent Study

Individual work under the direction of departmental faculty. This option is designed for Communication majors who seek an opportunity for in-depth study beyond the scope and/or depth of departmental course offerings. This option is considered additive to-not substitutive of-required departmental course offerings.




Permission of the Instructor and Department Chair