2017-2018 Undergraduate General Catalog

SPED 236 Foundations of LD and CI

During the learning disabilities (LD) portion of the course, students will study the cognitive, linguistic, social, and educational characteristics of children and adolescents with specific learning disabilities. The course will include a historical overview of the field of LD and a focus on dyslexia and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. The course also will include an orientation to research-based teaching strategies and an electronic practicum. The cognitive impairments (CI) portion of the course will examine various disabilities, in which a cognitive impairment may be present, such as fragile X, fetal alcohol syndrome, cerebral palsy, and others. Students will learn how a cognitive impairment impacts physical, educational, and psychological development. The array of services needed across the lifespan to promote inclusion in school and society will be discussed. Course includes a field experience of approximately 10 hours.
