2016-2017 Undergraduate General Catalog

Student Records/FERPA

The education records of current and former students are protected under the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA). Education records are documents that relate directly to a student and include academic transcripts and supporting documents, student judicial records, financial aid records, and career placement records. Listed below are records not considered a part of a student’s education record and are therefore not subject to FERPA provisions:

  • personal records kept by a member of the university staff that are not revealed to others and are kept in the sole possession of the staff member; and
  • student employment records that relate exclusively to the student in the capacity of an employee; and
  • records from the Campus Safety Department which are maintained solely for law enforcement purposes; and
  • health records maintained by the counseling services, health services and other recognized health care professionals, if those records are used solely for treatment and made available only to those persons providing treatment.

Items of directory information contained in education records may be released at the discretion of University officials without the student's prior consent. Directory information includes: name, place and date of birth, names of parents and home address, local address, telephone number, email address, photograph in Augustana directory, verification of degree including honors, previous schools attended, and participation in recognized activities.

The University reserves the right to disclose financial records to parents or guardians of a dependent student as defined by the Internal Revenue Code of 1964. Parents or guardians of students under the age of 21 may also be notified if their son/daughter violates the University's alcohol and drug policies per the Higher Education Act Amendments of 1998.

FERPA affords students with certain rights with respect to their education records that include:

The right to inspect and review their education records within 45 days of the day the University receives a request for access. Students should submit a written request to the registrar, dean of students, or other appropriate official. The request should identify the record(s) the student wishes to inspect.

There are some limitations on the rights of students to review their records. Students do not have a right to inspect or review confidential letters and recommendations associated with admission, employment, or job placement if the student has signed a waiver. Also, some records contain information about more than one student, in which case Augustana will permit access only to that part of the record pertaining to the inquiring student.

The right to request that an education record(s) be amended if it is believed that information is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of a student's privacy rights under FERPA.

A request to amend a record should be submitted in writing to the appropriate university official responsible for the record. Clearly identify the part of the record the student wants changed, and specify why it should be changed. If Augustana University determines that the record will not be amended as requested, the University will notify the student of the decision and of the student's right to a hearing regarding the request for amendment.

The right to provide written consent before Augustana University discloses personally identifiable information from education records, except to the extent that FERPA regulations authorize disclosure without consent.

Augustana discloses education records without a student's prior written consent to university personnel with legitimate educational interests – those persons whose professional responsibilities with the University require that they have access to educational records. Such an individual is a member of Augustana’s administrative staff, support staff, or faculty (including law enforcement personnel and health and counseling staff); a person or company with whom Augustana has contracted for services such as an attorney, or auditor, or Board of Trustees member; or a student serving on an official university committee, or a student who is assisting another a Augustana official in performing their tasks. Also, the University may disclose information if it is deemed necessary to protect the health or safety of the student or other individuals.

Upon request, Augustana University discloses education records without consent to officials of another school in which a student seeks or intends to enroll.

Request for Review

Students have a right to review their education records as provided by the provisions of FERPA. Items requested for review shall be made available no later than 45 calendar days following receipt of the written request.

Note: No official academic transcript will be released until all accounts, including loan funds administered by the University, are paid in full or are current according to established repayment schedules.

Limitations on Student Rights

There are some limitations on the rights of students to review their records. Students shall have no right to inspect or review:

  • confidential letters and recommendations associated with admission, employment, or job placement if a student has signed a waiver, or the receipt of an honorary recognition
  • education records containing information about more than one student, in which case the University will permit access only to that part of the record pertaining to the inquiring student
  • financial records of the student’s parents or guardians

Directory Information

Items of public or directory information contained in education records may be released at the discretion of University officials without the student’s prior consent. This public information includes: name, place and date of birth, names of parents and home address, local address, photograph in the Augustana directory, verification of degree including honors, previous schools attended, and participation in recognized activities.

Request to Withhold Disclosure

A student may choose to refuse disclosure of education records including items of public or directory information without prior consent by contacting the Dean of Students Office within 10 days of the student’s first academic term of the current academic year. The request to withhold information will remain in effect as long as the student continues to be enrolled or until the student files a written request to discontinue the withholding.

Challenge to Contents of Education Records

Any student who believes their education record contains information that is inaccurate or misleading or otherwise in violation of their privacy is encouraged to informally discuss this concern with a university administrator responsible for the department or area in which the record is located. If the administration decides to not amend the record as requested, the student may contact the Dean of Students Office relative to an appeal hearing.

Students have a right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the University to comply with requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is: Family Policy Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, SW., Washington, DC, 20202-4605.