2015-2016 Undergraduate General Catalog

General Education Requirements

The graduation requirements leading to the baccalaureate degree are designed to provide a broad and liberal education, a mastery of at least one field of knowledge through concentration in a major, and a general course of study that will be in harmony with the program and ideals of Augustana.

Students may graduate under the requirements of the current catalog during the session in which they first enrolled (provided they graduate within ten years from the end of that session), or they may graduate under the requirements of a more recent catalog in which they meet graduation requirements. The student’s academic advisor and other personnel of the University will help in every way possible to avoid errors, but the student has the final responsibility for satisfying all degree requirements according to the catalog chosen.

In order to graduate, a student must file a Graduation and Diploma Application Form for Degree Candidates with the Registrar’s Office. All regularly enrolled undergraduate students are eligible for the Bachelor of Arts or the Bachelor of Science in Nursing (Nursing majors only) degree. The completion of these degree require the same core requirements as follows:

A. General Degree Requirements

To graduate from Augustana, a student must meet the following requirements:

  1. Complete 124 credit hours with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 (The quality points assigned each grade are found under Grading System.)
  2. The last 30 credit hours must be taken at Augustana.
  3. No more than 3 workshop credit hours may count toward the 124 credit hour requirement.
  4. Complete the requirements for one major.
  5. Complete the general education requirements.
  6. Complete two religion courses.

NOTE: A student may not have more than 43 credit hours from one prefix (BIOL, BSAD, PSYC, etc.) count toward the 124 credit hour graduation requirement. The following programs are exceptions and may count the number of credit hours listed below toward the 124 credit hour graduation requirement:

Art - 60

Chemistry, ACS - 44

Liberal Arts Music - 45

Music Education - 57

Nursing – 52

B. General Education Requirements

The aim of Augustana is to provide an education of enduring worth by blending the broad learning experiences of the liberal arts with the student’s individual professional goals, and to integrate Christian faith and learning.

Graduation requires satisfactory completion of the General Education Plan. The number of credit hours may vary based on advanced placement exams and department test-outs.

Each student may be exempted from (or “Wild Card”) one requirement in the General Education Plan. This exemption may NOT be applied to the laboratory science course (in Area 3.2). No credit is granted for the wild card area.

No more than 10 credit hours from any one prefix (e.g. BIOL, ENGL, MDFL, etc.) may count toward meeting the general education requirement.

Area 1 - Exploring Self and Relationships (6 credit hours)

This area will introduce the student to the aims of education at Augustana, courses in understanding of self in relationship to others, and activities emphasizing the importance of health and wellness.

Area 1.1 Meeting the Challenge of College (1 credit)

A series of activities during the first seven weeks of each semester designed to faciliate the new student's successful transition to college.

GENL 097New Student Seminar


Area 1.2 Understanding the Self in Interpersonal Relations (1 course, 3 credits)

Courses in this area will focus upon a broad understanding of human beings and important ways in which they interact with one another.

BSAD 120Personal Financial Stewardship


COMM 250Interpersonal Communication


EDUC 345Adolescent Development


GENL 118HECUA: Art for Social Change


GERO 120/SOCI 120Aging and Society


GOVT 190Humans in Conflict


PHIL 110Dimensions of the Self


PSYC 210Life-Span Human Development


PSYC 335Human Relations


EDUC 345: Only for students seeking teacher certification

Area 1.3 Developing Personal Well Being Through Physical Activities (2 courses, 2 credits)

Two different activities courses emphasizing the development of recreational skills and/or conditioning the body as part of experiencing health and wholeness

100 level PE courses
Physical Activities

PE 095Intercollegiate Athletic Participation


Area 2 - Strengthening Skills for Living and Working in a Changing World (0-10 credit hours)

This area is designed to develop and strengthen skills that are crucial in a changing world. In this “information society,” the skills of communication (reading, writing, listening, and speaking), and of mathematical and analytical reasoning are absolutely vital.

2.1A Written Communication (0-1 course, 0-4 credits)

The student who is growing educationally finds it essential to understand the written expressions of others and to write with clarity, precision, and power.

ENGL 110First-Year Composition



Students who have achieved an average of 29 or higher for the scores on the English and Reading sections of the ACT exam (Must be from the same exam, not combined from two ACT tests.), or a score of 600 or higher on the Verbal section of the SAT exam, have placed out of ENGL 110. This achievement shall be noted on the transcript, but without credit.

NOTE: A grade of C- or better in ENGL 110 is a prerequisite for ENGL 200 (Area 3.5A), and is required to satisfy Area 2.1A.

Area 2.1B “W” Component (2 courses)

Two courses with an integrated writing component, designated by a “W”.

Area 2.2 Oral Communication or Analytical Reasoning (0-1 course, 0-3 credits)

The educated person needs skills in critical thinking, listening, and the ability to speak effectively in a variety of settings. Furthermore, the skills of analytical reasoning are the underpinning of effective thinking.

COMM 110Introduction To Communication


COMM 270Advocacy and Argumentation


PHIL 120Critical Thinking


Test-out: Oral Communication

The test-out examination will consist of written and oral sections. Only those students who perform satisfactorily on the written part may take the oral part of the examination. Students who pass both parts of this exam will receive credit for COMM 110.

Students may apply to the Chair of the Communication Studies Department for exemption to COMM 110 if they meet any of the following criteria:

a) Two years of high school varsity forensic participation (debate, extemporaneous speaking, oratory, or interpretation).

b) Two high school courses in oral communication with a grade of B or better.

c) One year of varsity forensic participation and one high school course in oral communication with a grade of B or better.

Criteria not included on high school transcripts must be verified in writing by the appropriate high school teacher/coach.

Test-out: Critical Thinking

Entering students are eligible to take an exam designed to measure proficiency in certain areas of critical thinking and logical reasoning. Students who pass the examination will receive credit for PHIL 120.

Area 2.3 Mathematical Reasoning (0-1 course, 0-4 credits)

The logic, form, and operations of mathematics have intrigued philosophers, artists, and scientists from earliest times and are essential foundations in today’s professional careers.

MATH 140Quantitative Reasoning


MATH 150Pre-Calculus


MATH 151Calculus I



a) Students who have achieved a score of 30 or higher on the mathematics section of the ACT examination, or a score of 650 or higher on the mathematics section of the SAT examination, have placed out of Area 2.3. This achievement shall be noted on their transcript but without credit.

b) Students may also elect to take a CLEP examination to gain credit for their mathematical skills and be excused from the required course.

Area 3 - Developing Knowledge for a Changing World (28-35 credit hours)

The liberally educated person, in addition to possessing skills and self-understanding, should have pursued broad intellectual experiences in many fields of inquiry. To that end, the six parts of this area will acquaint the student with knowledge in many diverse fields.

Area 3.1 The Western Heritage (2 courses, 6 credits)

This section is designed to provide students with knowledge of the ideas, people, events, human and physical forces, and artistic expressions that have contributed to the formation of the past and the ways in which the past has shaped the contemporary world.

Early Period (Area 3.1A) (1 course)
ANTH 110Introduction to Anthropology


ART 112/HIST 112Art History I: Prehistory to the Renaissance


CLAS 220/PHIL 220Our Philosophical Heritage I


ENGL 225World Literature I


HIST 110Western Civilization I


HIST 114Western Civilization I (Honors)


MUSI 210Music History and Literature to 1750


THEA 215Theatre History and Literature I


Later Period (Area 3.1B) (1 course)
ART 113/HIST 113Art History II: Renaissance through the 20th Century


ENGL 226World Literature II


HIST 111Western Civilization II


HIST 115Western Civilization II (Honors)


HIST 120American Experience to 1877


HIST 121American Experience Since 1877


MUSI 212Music History and Literature: 1750 to Present


PHIL 230Our Philosophical Heritage II


THEA 216Theatre History and Literature II


HIST 120, HIST 121 ELED majors only

Area 3.2 Natural Science (2 courses, 7-8 credits)

This section is designed to provide students with knowledge of science as a way to understand the world of nature, and of technology as the application of scientific principles to useful ends.

BIOL 110Biology and Human Concerns


BIOL 120Biological Principles I


BIOL 180Introduction to Environmental Science


CHEM 110Chemistry and Your Environment


CHEM 111Chemistry In Our Changing World


CHEM 115/PHYS 115Physical Science


CHEM 116General Chemistry I


CHEM 120Accelerated General Chemistry


PHYS 110From Atoms To Stars


PHYS 190Astronomy


PHYS 201Physics for Life Sciences I


PHYS 221General Physics I


NOTE: Students must take at least one lab course in Area 3.2. Students may not take the following combination of courses to satisfy this area: BIOL 110 & BIOL 120; CHEM 116 & CHEM 120; PHYS 201 & PHYS 221

Area 3.3 Human Behavior and Social Institutions (2 courses, 6 credits)

This section is designed to provide students with fundamental knowledge of forces that shape human behavior and the large-scale social systems in which people live.

NOTE: No more than one course from any department may be counted in Area 3.3.

ANTH 270/SOCI 270Great Discoveries in Archaeology


COSC 130Ethical Issues in Technology


ECON 120Principles of Economics I


EDUC 110Foundations of American Education


GENL 119HECUA: Inequality in America


GOVT 110Introduction to Government


GOVT 200American Government


PSYC 115General Psychology


SOCI 110Contemporary Society


Area 3.4 Languages (0 to 2 courses, 0-6 credits)

This section is designed to provide students a basic ability in a language other than their own, an opportunity to explore their facility with languages, and an insight into a culture other than their own.

The language requirement can be completed in any of the following ways:

a) Complete both introductory courses of the same language (i.e., FREN 110 & FREN 111; ASL 110 & ASL 111).

b) Complete the second semester of an introductory language course or higher (i.e., FREN 111 or FREN 210; ASL 111 or ASL 210).

c) Demonstrate competence in a language other than English.

d) Test-out: Students may fulfill all or part of the language requirement through a placement exam, a departmental test, CLEP test, or by presenting a satisfactory Advanced Placement test score.

ASL 110American Sign Language I


ASL 111American Sign Language II



CLAS 200Elementary Greek I


CLAS 201Elementary Greek II



CLAS 205Elementary Latin I


CLAS 206Elementary Latin II



FREN 110Introduction to French I


FREN 111Introduction to French II



GERM 110Introduction to German I


GERM 111Introduction to German II



SPAN 110Introduction to Spanish I


SPAN 111Introduction to Spanish II


Area 3.5 Literature and Fine Arts (2 courses, 6 credits)

This area is designed to provide students with a broad knowledge of and appreciation for the enduring forms of aesthetic and creative expressions and activities of human society in order to enrich their lives and encourage them to become lifelong patrons of the arts.

Literature (Area 3.5A) (1 course)
CLAS 230Classical Mythology


ENGL 200The Literary Experience


FREN 360History of the Literature of France I


FREN 361History of the Literature of France II


GERM 360History of German Literature I


GERM 361History of German Literature II


SPAN 360History of the Literature of Spain I


SPAN 361History of the Literature of Spain II


SPAN 362History of the Literature of Latin America


Fine Arts (Area 3.5B) (1-3 courses)
ART 100Introduction to Art


ART 101Drawing I


ART 120Design I: Two-Dimensional Design


ART 130Ceramics I


ART 140Painting I


ART 180Photography I: Introduction


ART 190Graphic Design I


ART 290Art and Children


ENGL 150American Cinema


MUSI 095Music Ensemble:

0- 1

MUSI 110The Understanding of Music


MUSI 111The History of Jazz



MUSI 120Music Theory I: Basic Concepts and Skills



MUSI 120LAural Skills Lab I



MUSI 281Music and Worship I


THEA 097Theatre Performance: Lead Role

0- 1

THEA 115The Theatre Experience


THEA 117Acting I


MUSI 095, THEA 097 take 3 (1 credit) semesters for credit

Area 3.6 Intercultural Studies (1 course, 3 credits)

This area is designed to provide students with knowledge and appreciation of cultures different from the dominant culture of the United States or its principal antecedents.

ANTH 271/SOCI 271Cultural Anthropology


ENGL 340Seminar in Non-Western Literature


FREN 341Francophone Culture and Literature


GOVT 120Politics in a Diverse World


GOVT 215Asian Politics


GOVT 345Identity Conflict and World Politics


HIST 161Latin America at the Movies


HIST 180/NAST 180Red, White, Black: The People of Early America


HIST 230Cultural History of Mexico from the Aztecs to the Zetas


HIST 261History of Latin America 1450-2010


HIST 252/NAST 252History of the Lakota/Dakota


MDFL 152Central and West-African Cinema


MUSI 214Music History and Literature of the Non-Western World


NAST 320/SOCI 320Native American Social Systems


RELI 341World Religions: Hinduism and Buddhism


Area 4 - Developing Values, Perspectives, and Commitment (9 credit hours)

This area is designed to make students aware of their own religious and ethical beliefs as well as the beliefs and values of others, which complements the goals of the University in all parts of the curriculum. Specifically, the purposes of this area are to encourage students to examine the Christian faith through a study of the Bible, institutions inspired by the Christian faith, and key theological concepts; to investigate historical, ethical, theological, and philosophical perspectives as they complement and contrast with the Biblical and Christian traditions; to consider faith and ethical commitments as a stimulus to integrate all learning and as a preparation for a life of responsible service in church and society.

Area 4.1 Exploring the Christian Tradition (1 course, 3 credits)

One course in religion designed to introduce the student to the Biblical and Christian traditions.

RELI 110Exploring the Christian Faith


Area 4.2 Faith and Meaning (1 course, 3 credits)

One course in religion designed to encourage the student to investigate historical, ethical, theological, and philosophical questions as they are in dialogue with the Biblical and Christian traditions.

200-level Religion course


C. Requirements for the Major

The requirements for each major are listed in the academic program section of this catalog.

A student must earn a C- or higher in the minimum number of credit hours required for the major. Courses which are listed as supportive courses need only to be passed. Some departments have requirements which are more restrictive than this requirement. In those departments, the departmental requirements must be met.

Transfer students must take a minimum of 50% of the courses required for their major at Augustana. Some departments require a higher percentage.

D. Minor Requirements

A minor is not required for graduation. A grade of C- or higher is required in all courses in the minor. See the listings under academic programs for the courses required for the minor. Transfer students must take a minimum of 50% of the courses required for their minor at Augustana.

E. Electives

The courses remaining after general education and major requirements have been fulfilled are to be chosen by students in consultation with their advisor from any of the courses in the catalog for which they qualify.  Students are encouraged to use electives to explore areas of study other than their majors.