Personal Conduct Violations

Law students in violation of the Wilmington University Code of Personal Conduct are subject to the university policy and procedures. In addition, notification and integration of School of Law representation into the process will include recording and reviewing character and fitness for bar certification.

  1. Intentionally furnishing false information to the University administration, faculty, or staff;
  2. Forgery of documents or financial records; *
  3. Embezzling, misusing, or misappropriating University funds including those belonging to a student group or organization; *
  4. Unauthorized reading, duplicating, removing, photographing, forging, counterfeiting, altering, or misuse of any document or record maintained by any individual or group of the Wilmington University community; *
  5. Misuse of materials such as student identification cards, keys, computers, laboratory equipment, athletic equipment, or other materials issued by Wilmington University. This includes accessing other individual email and/or social networking sites. The extent that the conduct references Wilmington University may be an aggravating factor when considering sanctions;
  6. Destruction, damage, misuse, defacing, or littering at any University-owned or -controlled building, property, or private property on campus or at a University-sponsored event; *
  7. The unauthorized taking, misappropriation, or possession of any property owned or maintained by Wilmington University or any person on campus or attending a University-sponsored event; *
  8. Breaking into or attempting to break into any area of the University; *
  9. Attempting to or entering any unauthorized area of the University. This applies to students on suspension or with restrictions concerning contact with individuals or areas of a campus; *
  10. Verbal and non-verbal harassment, whether in person or online, on campus or off. Verbal harassment includes but is not limited to: threats, insults, hateful language and epithets, ridicule and name-calling, mental abuse, or personal attacks. Non-verbal harassment includes but is not limited to: physical assault, damage to property, hazing, or practical jokes. Prohibited verbal and non-verbal harassment is often based on a person’s appearance, personal characteristics, or group membership, including but not limited to race, color, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression; and will not be tolerated; *
  11. Physical assault, attempted physical assault or abuse upon any person;
  12. Any unlawful behavior either on a campus site or other sites where Wilmington University offers classes or sponsors events or at a University-sponsored event. This includes, by way of illustration and not limitation: Assault, Terroristic Threatening or Disorderly Conduct; *
  13. Malfeasance or misuse of an elected or appointed office in a student organization which is injurious to the organization, its members, or the welfare of the University;
  14. Possession of any deadly weapon, fireworks, explosives, dangerous chemicals, dangerous instruments, or destructive devices on University-owned or controlled property or at a University-sponsored event. DELAWARE ACTIVE LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICER EXCEPTION: Active Delaware law enforcement officers are permitted to carry a firearm while attending class or while participating in or attending University-sponsored events. This exception applies to officers in uniform or wearing plan clothes. Officers wearing plain clothes should as much as possible conceal the weapon, display a badge by the firearm and produce a valid agency identification card upon request. This exception does not extend to law enforcement officers from outside the State of Delaware, persons possessing valid license to carry a concealed deadly weapon, persons possessing a federal firearms permit, (or those employed by federal law enforcement authority); *
  15. Illegal and/or unauthorized manufacture, sale, possession, display, or use of alcoholic beverages, narcotics, marijuana, hypnotics, sedatives, tranquilizers, stimulants, hallucinogens, and/or other drugs or chemicals either on University-owned or -controlled property or at a University-sponsored event; *
  16. Drunkenness or any kind of anti-social behavior resulting from drinking or illegal drug use either on University-owned or -controlled property or at a University-sponsored event; *
  17. Any agreement by one or more students either amongst themselves or with others to commit or attempt to commit a violation of University regulations;
  18. Aiding, assisting, or soliciting a person or persons to commit or attempt to commit a violation of University regulations;
  19. Soliciting a person or persons to aid or assist oneself in the commission or attempted commission of an act which would violate University regulations;
  20. Interference with the freedom of movement with any person at a University-owned or -controlled property or at a University-sponsored event; *
  21. Interference with the rights of others to enter, use or leave any University facility, service, or activity; *
  22. Interference with the freedom of speech of another at a University-owned or -controlled property or University-sponsored event; *
  23. Inappropriate, loud, or disruptive language or behavior in the classroom, a University-owned or -controlled property, or a University-sponsored event;
  24. Failure to abide by the Rules and Regulations at a site where Wilmington University offers classes or events (e.g., Dover Air Force Base);
  25. Failure to comply with the University policies or the directives of University officials acting in the performance of their duties;
  26. Failure to obey a directive by the Administration or Security at a site where Wilmington University offers classes or events (e.g., Delaware Tech in Georgetown);
  27. Any unlawful, unethical, immoral, or inappropriate behavior during an internship while representing Wilmington University; *
  28. The use of any racial, ethnic, or sexual orientation slur whether in person or online, on campus or off campus;
  29. The sending of any correspondence (including pictures), including email to any Wilmington University employee, faculty or staff member which is vulgar, threatening, harassing, profane or fails to uphold the standards of civility representative of Wilmington University. Any such cyber correspondence shall be presumed to have been sent by the owner of the address. This is a rebuttable presumption which may be overcome by the student showing proof by a preponderance of the evidence that another person wrote and sent the transmission. It is not sufficient to allege that others had access to the computer or email account;
  30. The posting of any pictures or remarks which are vulgar, threatening, harassing, profane or fails to uphold the standards of civility representative of Wilmington University and refer to a Wilmington University employee, faculty member, staff member, or a student of Wilmington University. Any such posting shall be presumed to be the act of the individual identified on the page (e.g., Facebook). This is a rebuttable presumption which may be overcome by the student showing proof by a preponderance of the evidence that another person mad ethe posting on a page or blog site without the knowledge or permission of the student and immediate steps were taken to remove the offending material prior to it being viewed by others. It is not sufficient to allege that others had access to the computer or ability to post on a blog or page using the student’s account;
  31. Sexual harassment of or by any Wilmington University staff member, student, or visitor either on campus or off. *
  32. Any student who has been required to register as a sex offender in any jurisdiction must inform the Office of Student Concerns within three (3) business days of such an Order. The student is also required to provide a copy of the Court Order within ten (10) days and submit proof of registration within thirty (30) days. Students are advised that depending upon the type or level of registration required, they may be precluded from participating in college activities or pursing a degree in their chosen field;
  33. Allowing another individual to use your student user name and password to access any University computer;
  34. Using another individual’s (i.e., student, faculty, employee, et al.) user name and password to access a University computer;
  35. A violation of any local, state and/or federal law or regulation. For further information read the section on “Allegations of Criminal Conduct.”
  36. Except as otherwise noted the audio or visual recording of any meeting, conference, telephone call, class, or other means of communication without the knowledge and consent of those participating is prohibited.
  37. Students are expected to conduct themselves in a civil, mature, and responsible manner that demonstrates commitment to the ideal of honorable behavior for oneself and the community as a whole. Disrespectful and discourteous approaches to communications and interaction are inappropriate.

As to any matter listed above which is preceded by an asterisk *, a report may be filed with the police in appropriate government offices as well as with the Vice President of Administrative and Legal Affairs or their designee. If any case that is submitted to the police results in an arrest, the University may, in its discretion, immediately suspend the student from all University classes and activities subject to a review of the case by the Student Discipline Committee and/or the School of Law Honor Code Review Board. If any case that is submitted to the police results in a conviction, then the student shall be immediately suspended from all University classes and activities subject to a review of the case by the Student Discipline Committee and/or the School of law Honor Code Review Board if no prior action had been undertaken.

The fact that a person is convicted or acquitted in a criminal proceeding is not controlling on any determination to be made by the Student Discipline Committee and/or the School of Law Honor Code Review Board. The fact that a person charged with a violation of conduct pleads guilty to an offense in a criminal proceeding may be considered by the Student Discipline Committee and/or the School of Law Honor Code Review Board as an admission.

Allegations of Criminal Conduct

Any student accused of a felony, misdemeanor or DUI offence must report it to the Associate Dean for Academics and the Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs and Dean of Student within (72) hours of arrest or being charged.

The same rule applies to any charge, felony, or misdemeanor, involving sexual conduct.

Students are required to report these matters irrespective of whether the charges arose from alleged conduct on or off a university site, and whether or not the alleged conduct occurred at a University-sponsored event.

The Assistant Vice President of Student Affairs, in cooperation with the School of Law, shall review the matter and the University shall determine, in its sole discretion whether to suspend or otherwise limit the student’s attendance and/or participation in classes and university sponsored activities.

The matter will then be referred to the Student Discipline Committee and/or the School of Law Honor Code Review Board.