MED 6801 Building a Responsive Classroom

This course will provide teachers with strategies and tools for building a positive, productive classroom culture.  Educators will learn to consider developmental characteristics and adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in both management and instructional contexts.  Educators will build strategies for classroom management and engaging instruction of content, and will also develop strategies for reflection, resilience and self-efficacy to increase one's ability to deal with diverse student characteristics.

Within today’s classrooms, educators are presented with a variety of unique challenges that revolve around contemporary societal issues that influence student behavior.  This course focuses on the strong relationship between academic success and social-emotional learning (SEL). The strategies integrated into this course empower educators to create safe, joyful, and engaging learning communities where all students have a sense of belonging and feel significant.

In order to be successful in and out of school, students need to learn a set of social and emotional competencies—cooperation, assertiveness, responsibility, empathy, and self-control—and a set of academic competencies—academic mindset, perseverance, learning strategies, and academic behaviors.
