Photography Minor, Media Design

Photography is everywhere you look: web pages, billboards, textbooks, etc. Images are used to transmit ideas and emotions, to persuade consumers, to influence voters, to make you hungry. Photographs inspire nostalgia, capture history, and they allow people to experience worlds they would otherwise never know. Now that everyone carries a camera, we have witnessed news and events unfolding in ways that forever changed our society. In this minor, students will improve their photographic skills in a course of study that could ultimately lead to employment as working photographers.

The Photography minor is open to all Wilmington University students. In this minor, students will create a path of study suited to their desires by selecting any five courses from the following list, preferably starting with TEC 215. Students who are normally required to include TEC 215 for their major will, when electing a Photography minor, select four additional TEC courses from those listed below.

Note: Students must complete DSN094 - Portfolio Archiving Orientation as a prerequisite to this minor.  DSN094 is FREE of charge and can be completed through Blackboard in approximately 60 minutes.  Students will be held to all course prerequisites.

Media Design


TEC 215Basic Photographic Techniques


TEC 300Advanced Photography I


TEC 310Black and White Digital Photography


TEC 315Nature Photography


TEC 325Business of Photography


TEC 345Surreal Digital Photography


TEC 366Photojournalism I


TEC 400Sports Photography


TEC 405Photographic Studio Lighting


TEC 406Photographic Location Lighting


TEC 425Photo Editing Techniques