Special Education

Master of Education

This program is nationally recognized by the Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) and is accredited by CAEP (Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation) under NCATE Standards (National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education).

This is a Licensure/Certification Program with Admission Restrictions and Exit Requirements.


Please refer to “The Graduate Admissions Process” section for general graduate admission information.

Admission to the Master of Education in Special Education (MSE) degree program requires the following:

  1. Complete and submit the Graduate Application for Admission.  A $35 non-refundable application fee is required.
  2. Submit an official transcript or transcripts verifying completion of a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college or university. Transcripts and all application documents should be sent to Wilmington University Office of Graduate Admissions.
  3. Submit official (complete with sub­test scores) score reports demonstrating mastery of general knowledge, including the ability to read, write, and compute (Praxis CORE/Praxis I). For more information about ETS exams (including how to register), go to ets.org. Test takers should designate Wilmington University and the Delaware Department of Education as score recipients.  This enables scores to be sent directly, confidentially, and electronically. Otherwise, candidates must provide original copies of all official score reports, including all sub­score reports to the office of Graduate Admissions.  Minimum acceptable scores are
    ETS 5712 Reading    156  OR  ETS 5710 Reading   175
    ETS 5722 Writing  162  OR ETS 5720 Writing  173
    ETS 5732 Mathematics  150
     OR ETS 5730 Mathematics  174
  4. Send SAT/ACT Scores (Visit College Board to have scores sent to Wilmington University)
  5. Submit the College of Education Application for Licensure Track  form. **NOTE: Failure to submit completed Application for Licensure Track and required clearance material may postpone enrollment into clinical courses. For more information about Clinical Components, Practicum Placement Application deadlines, and Field work, please visit the Field-Work/Field-Work Placement and Requirements webpage.
  6. International students must provide results from the Test of English as Foreign Language (TOEFL) that meet current minimum score requirements.
  7. Schedule a program planning conference with a Graduate Program Advisor or the Program Chair.  

After completing all of the above requirements, register for MED 6102 E-Folio and MSE 7604 (This is not required for returning Wilmington University M.Ed Special Education graduate interested in pursuing Certificates in Autism/Severe Intellectual Disabilities or Early Childhood/Exceptional Children.

Content and Performance Assessment Requirements

State-approved degree programs contribute to eligibility for licensure/certification as an educator in Delaware public schools. As such, all candidates must meet the content and performance assessment requirements described in 14 Del.C. §1210 and §1280, Regulation 290, in order to be eligible for program completion and degree conferral.

The regulation states, in part:

Content Readiness Assessment 

“Where a content readiness exam is applicable and available in area, subject, or category of specialization sought, the Candidate shall achieve a passing score on an examination as established by the Professional Standards Board, in consultation with the Department and with concurrence of the State Board.”  The content assessments required by the Delaware Department of Education are:  K­12 Teacher of Students with Disabilities:  Special Education Core Knowledge and Applications (Praxis II 5354)


Passage of Content Readiness Exam in one of the following grade levels and subject areas.

Early Childhood (5024)

Elementary K6 (5001 – 5002, 5003, 5004, 5005)

Middle Level – ELA (5047)

Middle Level – Mathematics (5169)

Middle Level – Science (5440)

Middle Level – Soc. Studies (5089)

HS Sciences

Biology (5235)

Chemistry (5245)

Earth Science (5571) HS English (5038)

Integrated Science (5435)

Physical Science (5435)

Physics (5265)

HS Social Studies (5081)

HS Mathematics (5161)

HS English (5037)

World Languages

               Chinese Mandarin (5665)

               French (5174)

               German (5183)

               Latin (5601)

               Spanish (5195)

Cut Scores and Approved Assessments are subject to change.  Please visit ETS for a current list of Praxis II exams for Delaware.

Performance Assessment 

“Where a performance assessment is applicable and available in an area appropriate to the Program in which a Candidate is enrolled, the Candidate shall achieve a passing score as a requirement to Exit the Program. The performance assessment may not be scored by any employees of the Educator Preparation Program or Unit, and shall be scored by Certified Reviewers.”

The assessment selected by Wilmington University to satisfy this requirement is the Praxis Performance Assessment for Teachers (PPAT). This assessment is administered and scored by ETS. Delaware has established a cut score of 38 for the 2016-2017 implementation year. 

Candidates should exercise professional responsibility and stay aware of state legislative and regulatory changes relating to licensure and certification.  All Delaware test score requirements can be accessed at this here.  

Program Purpose

The purpose of the Master of Education in Special Education licensure/certification degree program is to prepare candidates for positions teaching students with disabilities in specific content/subject areas and grade levels (grades K-12).

Students with disabilities must be taught by professionals who are trained in the identification, assessment, and teaching of individuals with exceptionalities. To reach this goal, the Master of Education in Special Education program provides candidates with the opportunity to complete the coursework with assignments and performance tasks aligned to the appropriate subject area and grade level. This program reflects Wilmington University’s advocacy of an inclusion model of special education service delivery.

Program Changes

Master of Education degree programs in the College of Education which contribute to eligibility for initial licensure and certification as Delaware educators are approved by the Delaware Department of Education. Any changes that are mandated by the Delaware Department of Education or the Delaware General Assembly will be implemented in accordance with state regulations. Students will be notified of any changes that may affect program or degree completion/conferral requirements.

Program Competencies

The Master of Education in Special Education (MSE) degree program is built around standards developed by the Council for Exceptional Children, in addition to the Delaware Professional Teaching Standards/InTASC Model Teaching Standards, and reflects the College of Education Program Attributes and Conceptual Framework. Those standards can be accessed below:




Outcomes Assessment

The assessment of content knowledge, pedagogy, learning theory, and performance competencies is accomplished through satisfactory attainment of specific course objectives; satisfactory performance on tests of general and content-related knowledge, as well as performance assessments, successful completion of assignments linked to program competencies and graduation competencies; fieldwork evaluations from advisors and school-based mentors; and evaluations and post-graduation surveys.

Program Design

The M.Ed. in Special Education is for candidates who have completed a bachelor’s degree in a field other than education who wish to obtain a master’s degree and eligibility for a state of Delaware initial teaching license and certification as a K-12 teacher of students with disabilities and who also desires to meet the requirements for a standard certificate in a core content area. At entry, previous transcript(s) of teacher candidates will be carefully reviewed to determine if they have completed the necessary core content area coursework for which they intend to teach children with disabilities. Any omissions in such content area coursework must be completed before Student Teaching/Teaching Internship.

Prerequisite Coursework

A minimum grade of “B” is required for all prerequisite courses.

To obtain a Master of Education degree in Special Education, candidates must complete five courses as program prerequisites. These courses include: EDU 402/407, EDU 405/410, EDU 306, and PSY 201 or PSY 332 or their graduate equivalents. Candidates who have completed a Wilmington University BS degree in Birth-Grade 2, K-6, or Middle Level Education or a Master of Education degree in Elementary Studies will have completed all program prerequisites. Candidates with education degrees from other institutions must have their transcripts evaluated to ensure that program prerequisites have been met. To fulfill the requirements of this program, candidates must complete all course requirements as specified, depending on the option which is chosen.

Praxis Testing Requirements

Teacher Candidates starting their programs on or after July 1, 2014, must pass - using Delaware minimum score requirements - the ETS Praxis Series Core Academic Skills for Educators (ETS #5712, 5722, and 5732), or Praxis I (5710/0710, 5720/0720, 5730/0730) if taken prior to August, 2014 or other approved tests of general knowledge that satisfy Delaware Department of Education regulations (complete list may be found here), prior to registration for the first clinical experience, Practicum I, MSE 7991.

Candidates must also pass (by achieving Delaware minimum scores) appropriate PRAXIS II test (both Special Education as well as core content Praxis II of their choosing) prior to registration for Student Teaching/Teacher Internship. In addition to the Delaware PRAXIS II Category test - Special Education: Core Knowledge and Applications - Code 5354, candidates must also take and pass a Delaware-approved ETS PRAXIS II Content Test of their choosing and complete their student teaching in an inclusion setting that aligns with the selected core content area.

Test takers should designate Wilmington University and the Delaware Department of Education as score recipients. 

This enables scores to be sent directly, confidentially, and electronically. Otherwise, candidates must provide original copies of all official score reports, including all sub-score reports to the office of Graduate Admissions. 

Wilmington University reserves the right to change requirements to comply with any licensure/certification mandates of the Delaware Department of Education.

Program Requirements

This information applies to students who enter this degree program during the 2016-2017 Academic Year. If you entered this degree program before the Fall 2016 semester, please refer to the academic catalog for the year you began your degree program.

Teacher candidates are required to register for and activate MSE 6102, E-Folio as the initial course in the program as this course will allow them to document various course requirements needed to satisfy individual program competencies.

Teacher candidates are expected to complete all requirements associated with the Master of Education in Special Education degree, including content course work, required special education courses, and clinical experiences. All sections of ETS Praxis examinations of general knowledge that satisfy Professional Standards Board regulations, (or relevant exemption tests), and the appropriate PRAXIS II subject and content readiness exam must be satisfied prior to taking MSE 8802, Student Teaching/Teaching Internship. All courses have one or more goals for diversity in education and writing across the curriculum.

Teacher candidates must apply to the Office of Clinical Studies for a Student Teaching/Teaching Internship placement for the Fall semester by February 1 or for the Spring semester by August 1. Practicum and Student Teaching/Teaching Internship applications are to be submitted electronically in Taskstream. Applications do NOT take the place of registering for Practicum or Student Teaching/Teaching Internship. Registration and payment of all fees, including laboratory fees for Student Teaching/Teaching Internship, are still required. All sections of ETS PRAXIS Series Core Academic Skills for Educators/Praxis I and the relevant PRAXIS II category and content tests, a 3.0 grade point average, and approval from the Office of Clinical Studies are required for Student Teaching/Teaching Internship.

The College of Education sets a required minimum grade of “C-” for all education core courses as well as courses needed to satisfy the content major. However, an overall GPA of 3.0 is required for program completion.

Fieldwork Requirements

All fieldwork placements are arranged by the Office of Clinical Studies in accordance with school district partnership agreements and placement protocols. However, final placement decisions are made by school district officials and are based on the availability of High Quality Cooperating/Mentor Teachers. Candidates are not permitted to seek or make arrangements for their own placements.


These courses require 80 hours of commitment. This includes 50 clock hours of field experience during the regular school day in an approved setting, plus 30 clock hours of seminar-format classes. The 50 hours of field experience will usually take place in the specific county where the student attends the seminars. A sealed Federal and Delaware CBC (Criminal Background Check) Report, a recent TB/PPD (less than one (1) year old) and a completed CPR (Child Protection Registry Form) are required. For students entering the program Fall 2014, passing scores on the ETS Praxis Series Core Academic Skills/Praxis I for Educators (ETS #5712, 5722, and 5732 or 5710/0710, 5720/0720, 5730/0730), or other approved tests of general knowledge that satisfy Delaware Department of Education regulations are required.

Although Practicum courses only require candidates to register and pay for one (1) credit for each course, the courses are actually structured as three (3) credit courses. The reason for this approach is to keep the total credit hours as low as possible while still meeting state requirements. Otherwise, candidates would have to register and pay for an additional 6 credits. This benefit represents a tuition cost savings of more than $2,000.


The capstone clinical experience is a full-time, full-day placement for at least 80 school days in an approved inclusive setting and in a content area/grade level that corresponds to a candidate’s content area concentration.  Candidates may also elect to participate in the Year-Long Residency Program, affording them the opportunity to serve as a co-teacher in the classroom for the Practicum and Student Teaching experience in the same school classroom.  Interested candidates should submit application for this residency early in their program to ensure coursework alignment while completing the residency.  Registration for the capstone clinical experience requires prior approval from the Office of Clinical Studies and the following: a 3.00 or higher cumulative GPA, no Incomplete grades in required courses, passing PRAXIS (CORE/Praxis I) and PRAXIS II scores, a sealed Federal and Delaware CBC (Criminal Background Check) Report, a recent TB/PPD (less than a year old), a completed CPR (Child Protection Registry Form) and a completed health form.

A new Federal and Delaware CBC (Criminal Background Check) Report sent / delivered to the Office of Clinical Studies in its original sealed envelope. A new TB/PPD, Health Authorization Form and completed CPR (Child Protection Registry Form) uploaded into Taskstream. A completed Student Teaching Fieldwork application in Taskstream by the deadlines of February 1 for placement in Fall and August 1 for placement in Spring. At the time of application, candidates must have submitted passing scores and subset scores for Praxis CORE/Praxis I and Praxis II Content Specific Examination. It is the responsibility of candidates to make sure that complete test score reports are provided to the College of Education. All test score requirements for Delaware certification can be viewed at https://www.ets.org/praxis/de/requirements. Chair approval is required for course registration.

Program Prerequisites

Each option requires four prerequisite courses which could be satisfied with either undergraduate or graduate level courses.

Methods/Content in Reading/Writing

Methods/Content in Mathematics

Classroom Management/Strategies of Effective Teaching

Adolescent or Child Growth and Development

In addition, fifteen (15) credits in the selected content area must also be satisfied prior to Student Teaching/Internship.

MSE Course Requirements

Total Credits 42

MED 6102E-Folio


MSE 7604/MAS 7604/MEE 7604Technology for Instruction


MSE 7403Diagnosis/Assessment/IEP Development for Exceptionalities


MSE 7401Curriculum in Special Education


MSE 7402Applied Behavior Analysis


MSE 8102Legislation and Implementation of Policy and Procedure


MRD 7802Process and Acquisition of Literacy


MRD 7901Diagnosis/Assessment of Reading Difficulties for Non-Reading/Literacy Majors


MED 6000Elementary Mathematics for Teachers


MSE 7501Introduction to Autism & Severe Disabilities


MSE 7991Practicum I in Special Education


MSE 7992Practicum II in Special Education


MSE 8805Performance Assessment


MSE 7993Practicum III in Special Education


MSE 8802Student Teaching in Special Education


Para Partnership Program

Wilmington University College of Education, partnering with local school districts and charter schools, will offer a Master’s Degree Program tailored specifically to meet the needs of classroom instructional paraeducators working in the schools to support teaching and learning.  The program is designed to provide an opportunity for candidates to complete the required coursework toward the degree within 18 months, and complete the clinical experience, consisting of Practicum and Student Teaching Internship, while working as a co-teacher with the teacher of record for students with disabilities.  The program provides an opportunity for candidates to complete the necessary coursework to meet certification requirements for both the K-12 Teacher of Students with Disabilities as well as the Teacher of Students with Autism or Severe Intellectual Disabilities or Early Childhood Exceptional Children (Fall 2016).  Please contact the Program Chair to review the sequence of coursework and clinical experiences to complete the degree program.  Candidates must meet all MSE degree requirements for entrance and exit criteria.

Qualifications for Degree

To qualify for the Master of Education in Special Education (MSE) degree, a teacher candidate must complete all course work and clinical experiences with at least a “B” average (a cumulative grade point average of 3.0). An electronic portfolio - E-Folio - is required. The portfolio must provide evidence of mastery of program and graduation competencies. The program must be completed within five years.