Student Catalog and Handbook 2020-2021

BIOL 2108 Biological Principles II

Intended for students majoring in biological or other sciences and is a continuation of BIOL2107 Biological Principles I. The course provides an introduction to the origin of life and biological diversity, with a primary focus on natural selection, evolution, and their roles as core concepts in biology. Topics include systematics and phylogeny, classification and characterizations of organisms, plant diversity, animal diversity, comparative physiology, and principles of ecology. The topics are united by the following themes throughout the course: interactions between organisms and their environments, and how those interactions lead to adaptation through natural selection; homeostasis and regulation; and how survival and evolutionary fitness is shaped by both abiotic and biotic factors.



Contact Hours



BIOL 2107 with a minimum grade of C and BIOL 2107L with a minimum grade of C.


BIOL 2108L