BMGT 4380 Integrated Business Analysis and Decision Making I

This first capstone course will prepare students for their final business capstone experience, to be taken in BMGT 4381, by integrating the concepts, theories, and skills learned in all the business disciplines. Students will work individually to analyze and develop corporate strategy and policy. Students will communicate their analysis in a formal written document and business presentation.




(ACCT 2311 AND ACCT 2312) AND (BMDS 3370 OR BMGT 3370) AND (BMDS 3371 OR BMGT 3371) AND MIS 2321 AND MIS 2325 AND BINT 3331 AND BLAW 3317 AND BMKT 3331 AND BMGT 3340 AND BFIN 3321 AND ECON 2301 AND ECON 2302


Fall, Spring, Summer