Pre-Engineering Curriculum

The University offers a pre-engineering curriculum. This 2 or 3-year plan of study will have the student lay a groundwork of mathematics, science and computer courses which can then a) be transferred to a school that offers a four-year bachelor's degree in a branch of engineering, or b) be used as part of a degree plan at this University in an area such as Mathematics, Computer Science, Environmental Science, or Nutrition, or c) be the basis for the Bachelor of Science in Engineering. Degrees at most four-year universities have many courses in common for the first two years. In addition, nearly all degree programs at other schools have a core curriculum similar to UIW, requiring the student to take classes in other departments at the University.


Pre-Engineering Courses

CHEM 1301Chemical Principles I

CHEM 1203LGeneral Chemistry Laboratory

MATH 2312Calculus I

MATH 2313Calculus II

MATH 2314Differential Equations

ENGR 1201Introduction to Engineering

ENGR 1310Engineering Graphics (CAD 1)

ENGR 1312Engineering Design, CAD II

ENGR 2105Engineering Physics I Lab

ENGR 2305Engineering Physics I

ENGR 2106Engineering Physics II Lab

ENGR 2306Engineering Physics II