Photography Minor

15 Hours Required Photography Courses

ARTS 1305Design for Photographers


ARTS 1311Two Dimensional Design


ARTS 1357Introduction to Photography

ARTS 1358Intro to Digital Photography

ARTH 3357History of Photography


ARTS 2360Documentary Photography I


ARTS 3365Directorial Photography

Note:  If ARTS 2360 was taken instead of ARTS 3365, the last three hours must be upper-level.

3 Hours Photography Electives selected from the following:

ARTS 2305Intro Photographic Lighting

ARTS 2315Intro Photographic Portraiture

ARTS 2360Documentary Photography I

ARTS 3327Documentary Photography II

ARTS 3365Directorial Photography

ARTS 3367Landscape Photography

ARTS 3385Documentary Photography III: Local Fieldwork

ARTS 4325Adv Photo Lghtg: Studio Lghtg

ARTS 4315Adv Phot Port: Studio Portrait

ARTS 4330Commercial Photography

ARTS 4335Doc Phot IV/Interntl Fieldwork

ARTS 43504x5 Photography

ARTS 4357Advanced Project in Photograph

ARTS 4360Art Photo: Manipulated Images

ARTS 4385Topics in Photography

ARTS 4388Internship in Photography

COMM 1301Intro to Mass Communication

COMM 2360Video Production I

COMM 3355Publications Practicum