Academic Standing

Academic standing is a measure of performance in completed courses. You must maintain a 2.0 UCSC GPA in order to remain in good academic standing.

If your UCSC term or cumulative GPA falls below 2.0 at the end of any term, you will be placed on a form of academic noticefor the next term. You will need to work with your college and major advisors to determine the best way to return to good academic standing. Be sure to take full advantage of the many learning support services available at UCSC.

If your UCSC GPA for any term falls below 1.5, or if you are on academic notice and your cumulative GPA at the end of a term is below 2.0, you are also subject to disqualification. This means that your enrollment at UCSC may be barred for a specific period of time, or you may be disqualified indefinitely from attending the University of California. In many cases, a specific study plan can be developed with your college that will enable you to remain enrolled at UCSC.

For students who entered UCSC prior to fall 2001, academic standing and progress are calculated differently. Contact your college office for more information.

Financial aid's satisfactory academic progress policy (FASAP) is separate from the Academic Standing policy, and defines additional GPA and progress requirements for remaining eligible to receive financial aid. Information can be found on the Undergraduate Academic Progress and Financial Aid Information website.