Creative Technologies

Arts Division Dean's Office
302 Digital Arts Research Center

Creative Technologies (CT) is the University of California’s first online undergraduate major. Housed in the Arts Division, the major focuses on the arts, media, and design, emphasizing the study of conscientious creativity in digital environments. Digital arts/design environments are powerful and exciting spaces for the pursuit of justice, freedom of inquiry, and imagination, as well as for the cultivation of knowledge, democracy, and stronger communities. Students majoring in creative technologies may complete all of the major requirements online, provided they have completed three prior quarters of in-person instruction (with at least six credits of in-person instruction per quarter) at a UC campus.

The CT program combines online and in-person modalities to allow UC Santa Cruz Arts students to earn their degree with fewer quarters of on-campus residency. It also combines courses from many arts genres and arts disciplines, allowing its students to pursue arts and design training without being stuck "in the box" of traditional arts genres or disciplines—instead, they move freely between those practices to gain more contemporary, collaborative, and multimedia arts experience.

Creative Technologies arose from a community need identified at UC Santa Cruz to comprehend how new media and new technology can be sites where we bring society’s best futures into reality: futures in which justice, democracy, and sustainability arise from truly participatory works of art and design.

Creative Technologies graduates will be highly skilled users of technology in a job market that increasingly centers creative work. They will work in film, music, television, games, and other media, but increasingly, creative work is transformative in fields like law, healthcare, politics, non-profit organizations, schools, and in traditional businesses. CT grads will not just be artist-scholars, but user-experience designers, journalists, teachers, and other cultivators and curators of human knowledge.

Programs Offered

B.A. in Creative Technologies


Creative Technologies
c/o Arts Division Dean's Office
University of California
1156 High St.
Santa Cruz, CA 95060