Students learn the basic concepts and ideas necessary for upper-division mathematics and techniques of mathematical proof. Introduction to sets, relations, elementary mathematical logic, proof by contradiction, mathematical induction, and counting arguments.
General Education Code
Quarter offered
Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
Students learn the strategies, tactics, skills and tools that mathematicians use when faced with a novel (new) problem. These include generalization, specialization, the optimization, invariance, symmetry, Dirichlet's box principle among others in the context of solving problems from number theory, geometry, calculus, combinatorics, probability, algebra, analysis, and graph theory.
General Education Code
Complex numbers, analytic and harmonic functions, complex integration, the Cauchy integral formula, Laurent series, singularities and residues, conformal mappings.
Quarter offered
Winter, Spring, Summer
Conformal mappings, the Riemann mapping theorem, Mobius transformations, Fourier series, Fourier and Laplace transforms, applications, and other topics as time permits.
The basic concepts of one-variable calculus are treated rigorously. Set theory, the real number system, numerical sequences and series, continuity, differentiation.
Quarter offered
Fall, Winter, Summer
Metric spaces, differentiation and integration of functions. The Riemann-Stieltjes integral. Sequences and series of functions.
The Stone-Weierstrass theorem, Fourier series, differentiation and integration of functions of several variables.
Linear systems, exponentials of operators, existence and uniqueness, stability of equilibria, periodic attractors, and applications.
Quarter offered
Winter, Summer
Topics covered include first and second order linear partial differential equations, the heat equation, the wave equation, Laplace's equation, separation of variables, eigenvalue problems, Green's functions, Fourier series, special functions including Bessel and Legendre functions, distributions and transforms.
Prime numbers, unique factorization, congruences with applications (e.g., to magic squares). Rational and irrational numbers. Continued fractions. Introduction to Diophantine equations. An introduction to some of the ideas and outstanding problems of modern mathematics.
Quarter offered
Fall, Winter, Summer
Group theory including the Sylow theorem, the structure of abelian groups, and permutation groups. Students cannot receive credit for this course and MATH 111T.
Quarter offered
Fall, Winter
Introduction to rings and fields including polynomial rings, factorization, the classical geometric constructions, and Galois theory.
Introduction to groups, rings and fields; integers and polynomial rings; divisibility and factorization; homomorphisms and quotients; roots and permutation groups; and plane symmetry groups. Also includes an introduction to algebraic numbers, constructible numbers, and Galois theory. Focuses on topics most relevant to future K-12 teachers. Students cannot receive credit for this course and MATH 111A.
Financial derivatives: contracts and options. Hedging and risk management. Arbitrage, interest rate, and discounted value. Geometric random walk and Brownian motion as models of risky assets. Ito's formula. Initial boundary value problems for the heat and related partial differential equations. Self-financing replicating portfolio; Black-Scholes pricing of European options. Dividends. Implied volatility. American options as free boundary problems.
Graph theory, trees, vertex and edge colorings, Hamilton cycles, Eulerian circuits, decompositions into isomorphic subgraphs, extremal problems, cages, Ramsey theory, Cayley's spanning tree formula, planar graphs, Euler's formula, crossing numbers, thickness, splitting numbers, magic graphs, graceful trees, rotations, and genus of graphs.
Based on induction and elementary counting techniques: counting subsets, partitions, and permutations; recurrence relations and generating functions; the principle of inclusion and exclusion; Polya enumeration; Ramsey theory or enumerative geometry.
Review of abstract vector spaces. Dual spaces, bilinear forms, and the associated geometry. Normal forms of linear mappings. Introduction to tensor products and exterior algebras.
Quarter offered
Fall, Spring, Summer
Topics include divisibility and congruences, arithmetical functions, quadratic residues and quadratic reciprocity, quadratic forms and representations of numbers as sums of squares, Diophantine approximation and transcendence theory, quadratic fields. Additional topics as time permits.
An introduction to mathematical theory of coding. Construction and properties of various codes, such as cyclic, quadratic residue, linear, Hamming, and Golay codes; weight enumerators; connections with modern algebra and combinatorics.
Topics include Euclidean space, tangent vectors, directional derivatives, curves and differential forms in space, mappings. Curves, the Frenet formulas, covariant derivatives, frame fields, the structural equations. The classification of space curves up to rigid motions. Vector fields and differentiable forms on surfaces; the shape operator. Gaussian and mean curvature. The theorem Egregium; global classification of surfaces in three space by curvature.
Examples of surfaces of constant curvature, surfaces of revolutions, minimal surfaces. Abstract manifolds; integration theory; Riemannian manifolds. Total curvature and geodesics; the Euler characteristic, the Gauss-Bonnet theorem. Length-minimizing properties of geodesics, complete surfaces, curvature and conjugate points covering surfaces. Surfaces of constant curvature; the theorems of Bonnet and Hadamard.
Topics include introduction to point set topology (topological spaces, continuous maps, connectedness, compactness), homotopy relation, definition and calculation of fundamental groups and homology groups, Euler characteristic, classification of orientable and nonorientable surfaces, degree of maps, and Lefschetz fixed-point theorem.
Euclidean, projective, spherical, and hyperbolic (non-Euclidean) geometries. Begins with the thirteen books of Euclid. Surveys the other geometries. Attention paid to constructions and visual intuition as well as logical foundations. Rigid motions and projective transformations covered.
Theorems of Desargue, Pascal, and Pappus; projectivities; homogeneous and affine coordinates; conics; relation to perspective drawing and some history.
Algebraic geometry of affine and projective curves, including conics and elliptic curves; Bezout's theorem; coordinate rings and Hillbert's Nullstellensatz; affine and projective varieties; and regular and singular varieties. Other topics, such as blow-ups and algebraic surfaces as time permits.
Solves the two-body (or Kepler) problem, then moves onto the N-body problem where there are many open problems. Includes central force laws; orbital elements; conservation of linear momentum, energy, and angular momentum; the Lagrange-Jacobi formula; Sundman's theorem for total collision; virial theorem; the three-body problem; Jacobi coordinates; solutions of Euler and of Lagrange; and restricted three-body problem.
Introduces different methods in cryptography (shift cipher, affine cipher, Vigenere cipher, Hill cipher, RSA cipher, ElGamal cipher, knapsack cipher). The necessary material from number theory and probability theory is developed in the course. Common methods to attack ciphers discussed.
Students learn skills needed for solving problems found in industry. Course follows a problem-based approach, discovering the theory needed for solving problems, as well as description skills. Students collaborate to solve industry-driven problems. Reports and presentations are expected to demonstrate the solution of problems. Examples include: Applied Graph Theory, Ramsey Theory, Game Theory, Markov Chains, Information Theory, Coding Theory, and Applied Number Theory.
The Staff The Staff
The Lorenz and Rossler attractors, measures of chaos, attractor reconstruction, and applications from the sciences. Students cannot receive credit for this course and AM 114.
Laboratory sequence illustrating topics covered in MATH 145. One three-hour session per week in microcomputer laboratory.
A survey of the basic numerical methods which are used to solve scientific problems, including mathematical analysis and computing assignments. Some prior experience with Matlab (or similar) is helpful but not required. Some typical topics are: computer arithmetic; Newton's method for non-linear equations; linear algebra; interpolation and approximation; numerical differentiation and integration; numerical solutions of systems of ordinary differential equations and some partial differential equations; convergence and error bounds. Students cannot receive credit for this course and AM 147.
Laboratory sequence illustrating topics covered in course 148. One three-hour session per week in the computer laboratory.
Introduces programming in Python with applications to advanced mathematics. Students apply data structures and algorithms to topics such as numerical approximation, number theory, linear algebra, and combinatorics. No programming experience is necessary, but a strong mathematics background is required.
General Education Code
Propositional and predicate calculus. Resolution, completeness, compactness, and Lowenheim-Skolem theorem. Recursive functions, Godel incompleteness theorem. Undecidable theories. Hilbert's 10th problem.
Naive set theory and its limitations (Russell's paradox); construction of numbers as sets; cardinal and ordinal numbers; cardinal and ordinal arithmetic; transfinite induction; axiom systems for set theory, with particular emphasis on the axiom of choice and the regularity axiom and their consequences (such as, the Banach-Tarski paradox); continuum hypothesis.
A survey from a historical point of view of various developments in mathematics. Specific topics and periods to vary yearly.
General Education Code
Quarter offered
Winter, Summer
Designed to expose the student to topics not normally covered in the standard courses. The format varies from year to year. In recent years each student has written a paper and presented a lecture on it to the class.
Quarter offered
Winter, Spring
Students research a mathematical topic under the guidance of a faculty sponsor and write a senior thesis demonstrating knowledge of the material. Prerequisite(s): satisfaction of the Entry Level Writing and Composition requirements. Students submit petition to sponsoring agency.
Quarter offered
Fall, Winter, Spring
Students submit petition to sponsoring agency.
Quarter offered
Fall, Winter, Spring