Fees and Expenses

Tuition, fees, and other charges are subject to change without notice by the Regents of the University of California. For current fee information, check registration fees and graduate student budgets. Some or all instruction for all or part of the Academic Year may be delivered remotely.  Tuition and fees have been set regardless of the method of instruction and will not be refunded in the event instruction occurs remotely for any part of the Academic Year.  Figures for tuition and fees represent currently approved or proposed amounts and may not be final.  Actual tuition and fees are subject to change by the University of California as determined to be necessary or appropriate.  Final approved tuition and fee levels may differ from the amounts presented.

For information on fee refunds, see Finances.

Students should not plan to undertake graduate study without assured funding, since outside employment in the Santa Cruz community can be difficult to obtain. 

Financial aid recipients should note that fellowship, grant, and loan checks or bank deposits in excess of university charges are refunded to students via direct deposit or check, but are not available to you until the first week of instruction each quarter.

The Student Services Fee supports student services that provide a supportive and enriching learning environment and that are complementary to, but not part of, the instructional program. Programs include, but are not limited to, services related to the physical and psychological health and well-being of students, social and cultural activities and programs, services related to campus life, and educational and career support.

Tuition helps support student financial aid and related programs; administration; libraries; operation and maintenance; the university’s operating budget; and all costs related to instruction, including faculty salaries.

Campus-Based Fees help support a wide range of student services, including extracurricular programs, campus child care, community and public service projects, and free-fare use of the local transit systems.

In addition, all students are assessed a mandatory Health Insurance Premium. The Cowell Student Health Center provides primary care services for the plan, while a contracted insurance company provides major medical and hospitalization insurance. Dependent coverage is also available. Detailed information is on the UCSC Student Health Insurance website, or contact (831) 459-2389.

Waivers from the mandatory insurance fee are available for students who can show that their outside plan provides coverage equal to or better than the student health insurance plan. Deadlines for applying for a waiver can be found on the Health Center website and in the Graduate Student Handbook.

Nonresident Tuition

A resident of a state other than California or of another country must also pay nonresident tuition. See general criteria for residency elsewhere in this catalog.

Non-U.S. citizens note: Regardless of how long you live in California, only U.S. citizens and holders of immigrant visas may become qualified for resident classification.

Late Fees

Late fees may be assessed if a student fails to make university payments or enroll by the specified deadlines. Deadlines are published online in the Graduate Student Handbook and the Schedule of Classes, and they appear on the Statement of Account.

Deferred Payment Plan

See the information under undergraduate expenses.