
UCDC 100 UCDC Prep (Remote)

Prepares and orients students to participate in UCDC the next quarter. Guides them through all the required steps needed to search out internships of interest, prepare application materials, hone interview skills, choose and be prepared for UCDC courses, and get the most out of their internships. Also informs students about the support services and other programming the UCDC program offers to ensure successful experiences in the program. Enrollment is by permission and is restricted to students accepted into the UCDC program for the following term. This course can be taken for Pass/No Pass grading only.




Helen Shapiro

Quarter offered

Fall, Winter, Spring

UCDC 194A UCDC Internship Research Seminar

Weekly seminar that focuses on the production of a major research paper or equivalent scholarly undertaking connected to an internship in Washington, D.C., government, non-profit, or private institution. Seminar stresses institutional analysis, the development of bibliographic expertise in the use of Washington-based resources, and participant-observer skills. Required for and enrollment is restricted to students participating in the UCDC Program.



Quarter offered

Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

UCDC 194B UCDC Internship

A 30- to 36-hour-per-week internship in a Washington, D.C., government, non-profit, or private institution. Required for and enrollment is restricted to UCDC program participants.



Repeatable for credit


Quarter offered

Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

UCDC 199 Tutorial

A program of directed study arranged with a Social Sciences Division faculty member. Enrollment is restricted to participants in the UCDC program.



Repeatable for credit


Quarter offered

Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer

UCDC 199F Tutorial

A program of directed study arranged with participating faculty. Class time is proportionally less than a 5-credit course. Enrollment is restricted to participants in the UCDC program.



Repeatable for credit


Quarter offered

Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer