PSIC-4108 Diseño Proyecto de Investigacion Iv y Coloquio IIi

thesis or doctoral dissertation, under the mentoring of one of the Department´s full-time professors. The activities include literature reviews, specification of research design, performance of pilot sutdie4s, data collections, results analysis and writing technical reports and articles to be published. During the investigations process for purposes of the masters thesis or doctoral dissertation, the student participates in the Colloquium, which is a collegiate forum for critical discussion, literature exploration, design progress and results analysis. The Colloquium is attended by Psychology Masters and Doctoral program students, and Department Professors. In Thesis and Doctoral Colloquium, the students, prior agreement with their tutor, may register up to 8 credits per semester. The students who have finished their Psychology Masters degree at Universidad de los Andes and who are enrolled in the Doctoral program, may obtain equivalence for up to 16 credits for Thesis and Colloquium. The Doctoral program student may register Thesis and Colloquium during the intersemester periods, prior agreement with their tutor.



Periodo en el que se ofrece el curso


Idioma en el que se ofrece el curso
