Offering the highest academic quality program where the students can:
- Know, understand, apply and integrate fundamental legal institutions that will enable their outstanding professional practice of Commercial Law.
- Develop a comprehensive view of major subjects in Commercial Law.
- Manage theoretical, methodological and practical tools necessary for proper comprehension and application of Comemrcial Law institutions.
- Concentrate on the analysis of the main doctrine and case aw related to the course.
- Analyze the current trends of compared law in the field of Commercial Law.
Intended for:
Lawyers who are interested in pursuing their intellectual, professional growth process, as well as in furthering their knowledge and developing skills in Commercial Law.
Exceptionally, entrepreneurs or professionals from other disciplines may be accepted, provided that they meet the corresponding selection process requisites.
Areas of Investigation or Concentration
Several of the professors are part of the private law research group accredited with COLCIENCIAS (category A -the highest rank conferred by this organization). The group focuses its research on the following areas related to the Specialization: Contracts, commercial law, corporations, securities, copyrights, industrial property and electronic commerce.
Model Program
Since its foundation in 1984, the Commercial Law Specialization is committed to academic excellence and the education of tip class commercial specialists. The contents, methodology and academic work by this program help the students acquire the discipline, intellectual rigour, skillsna and abilities that are fundamental to achieve an outstanding, responsible and ethical professional performance.
The Specialization encompasses the critical study and abalysis of the main classical and contemporary insitutions of Commercial Law. Similarly, and using a multidisciplinary approach, it addresses perspectives that supplement juridical topics, allowing the students to know and manage some accounting and technical aspects that have an influence on Commercial Law.
Teaching in this program is fundamental concerning the use of active, structured methodologies, intended for the students to become the main agent in their education. Furthermore, and with the aim of optimizing the use of their time, teaching mechanisms are used that ingegrate knowledge and use of technological tools in an academic manner.
First Semester
Second Semester
Intersemestral Period
Alumni Profile
Specialized professional, capable of understanding, developing, ingtegrating and applying in practice the main themes and institutions of Commercial Law.