ARQU-1010 Graduation Requirement Portfolio

During their studies, students must create a project Portfolio including the academic programs published by the Department and the representative papers of all the courses taken. Students who plan to graduate must present the Required Graduation Portfolio within the deadlines scheduled by the Academic Coordination Unit for each graduation process.



ARQU-1020 thesis - Architecture and Art History Option

The objective of this project at the end of the option programs offered by the Department of Architecture is to show the students’ capacity to deal with a preliminary research project on a specific topic, through reference, collection and systematization of a basic bibliography. During the first stage of the course of this project, students will have to properly elucidate a clearly delimited topic in one of the areas proposed in the options, under the guidance of a professor from the University and refer to different sources to write a document that will give an account of the systematic study of the topic chosen, the command of the bibliography and clarity in written expression.




Albornoz Rugeles Cristina

ARQU-1021 thesis - Architecture and City Option

The objective of this project at the end of the option programs offered by the Department of Architecture is to show the students’ capacity to deal with a preliminary research project on a specific topic, through reference, collection and systematization of a basic bibliography. During the first stage of the course of this project, students will have to properly elucidate a clearly delimited topic in one of the areas proposed in the options, under the guidance of a professor from the University and refer to different sources to write a document that will give an account of the systematic study of the topic chosen, the command of the bibliography and clarity in written expression.




Albornoz Rugeles Cristina

ARQU-1111 ARQU 1111



ARQU-1121 ARQU 1121



ARQU-1201 History Workshop I

This course suggests a historic journey of architecture from Greece to the 19th Century, stressing the most representative urban and architectural expressions of each moment in history. The main objective of this course is to offer in this journey through the chronology of history an approach to the principles of architecture, referring permanently to buildings as the center of all interest. At the same time, students carry out a workshop project based on the representation of a building or condomimium that is representative of one of the periods studied. This last point is a part of the integration strategies handled in the basic cycle of the program of architecture.




Mazuera Nieto Eduardo

ARQU-1202 History Workshop II

This History Workshop II carries on with the topic covered in the first semester up to the baroque period, and consists of the history of architecture from the 18th Century to the present time, stressing 20th Century architecture, and particularly the modern movement. The parallel workshop project is focused on the study of the architecture of different masters of modern architecture, with the proposal of a system of analysis by students, overcoming the problem of representation covered during the first history workshop in the program. Like in History Workshop 1, its relationship with the drawing workshop is a determining factor for the development of this program.




Goossens Maarten

ARQU-1225A The History of a House

This course attempts to conduct an exploratory study of how, over time and space, based on a historic and interdisciplinary account, particular ideas and traditions have been shaped in the west as regards the house, the domestic aspect, and our forms of inhabiting the spaces built. The idea of inhabiting is as old as man himself, and since the ancient times, man has always had a home, which, over history and in accordance with the social changes of each period, has acquired particular characteristics. These characteristics that belong to or are relative to home, to the house, refer to the domestic aspect.



ARQU-1226A Historia de Las Proporciones Entre El Arte y la Arquitectura




Anzellini Fajardo Stefano




ARQU-1301 Technical Workshop I

The objective of this course is to create an awareness in students that architecture exists in a world where everything has weight, dimension and moves. In order to do so, students must be capable of seeing, measuring and representing these conditions, for which they must use, on one hand, the scientific instruments covered at the same time in the Physics Workshop and, on the other, the technical principles covered in this course. In addition, the course aims to awaken a critical, reflective attitude in students as regards the problem of the construction of architecture, based on rigor and ethics. The course is taught by means of lectures and practical workshops.




Pinzon Latorre Andres

ARQU-1302 Technical Workshop II

As the continuation of Technical Workshop 1, this course attempts to bring students face to face with the study, measurement and representation of the natural elements: earth, sun, water and wind. Like the first course of the technical area from the basic cycle, the contents are articulated with those covered at the same time in the Physics Workshop and also attempt to encourage students to suggest actions to preserve the environment, by means of the careful, ethical exercise of their profession as architects. Like the first courses, the methodology is based on the teaching of short lectures, along with practical workshops to apply the concepts covered by the professors.




Pinzon Latorre Andres

ARQU-1305A City and Technique

The city is one of the most important innovations in history. The objective of this course is focused on developing a critical view of the parallel evolution of ideas and techniques regarding the cases of cities and city systems in different phases of development. At the same time, it attempts to integrate referents from several disciplines to support the exploration of relationships between city planning and society based on associations that are raised in texts and cases from different times and areas of knowledge. This course stimulates an inquisitive attitude about technical history and urban history, with research projects that deal with the problem regarding the multiplicity of criteria.




Vargas Caicedo Hernando

ARQU-1306B Skyscrapers - Vertical City

This course attempts to take students on a journey through the history and evolution of tall buildings, studying and delving into the emblematic buildings and milestones that have marked the vertical development of cities, as a search for a new dimension of the ground in cities that restrain their unnecessary expansion, and make significant socioeconomic development possible under the proper management of impact and sustainability.




Villate Matiz Camilo

ARQU-1410 Taller Ciudad I




Ruiz Cendales Diana

ARQU-1420 Taller Ciudad II




Mejia Ortiz Claudia

ARQU-1502 Visualización y Simulación para Arquitectura




Velandia Rayo Diego

ARQU-1503 ARQU 1503



ARQU-1504 ARQU 1504



ARQU-1552 Herramientas Digitales




Rodriguez Munevar Alejandro

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