ADMI-3107 Cases and Projects in Management

The course provides a summary of the knowledge acquired during the Programme, gathering it together in a practical, real, applied project, in line with the interests of the students. The objective is for the student to identify and analyse different alternatives to solve concrete problems in a company or organisation. Within the structure of the curricular program, this course provides the opportunity to develop abilities and the integration of previous knowledge of different areas, such as technology, organisations, Management, finance and marketing. Prerequisites: Organizations, Finances 2: Investment, Consumer Behavior, Models and Optimization.



ADMI-3109 Business Plans

This course provides an opportunity for the student to explore a life option different from that of an employee by setting up his/her own business. Students who have no negotiating vocation can also find in this course an opportunity to discover their entrepreneurial potential, which is also a basic requirement for any professional wishing to be employed by a competitive, modern company. During this course, a business plan is drawn up and the technical aspects of the plan relating to marketing finance and production is complemented by discussions on both the human and the entrepreneurial spirit, life plan and career plan.



ADMI-3110 Entrepreneurship

The aim of this course is for the participants to reflect on their long term personal and professional goals and consequently to identify the pros and cons of a business career. This promotes the generation of ideas for the creation of new companies which are viable for the participants to achieve on different time horizons, according to their own personal and professional development goals. Students develop the ability to inject the (Intra-enterprise) Entrepreneurial Spirit into already established companies to make them more willing to accept the continuous introduction of innovations in response to changing situations.



ADMI-3122 Business Game

This is one of the integrative courses, which is intended to serve as a framework of experimentation for decision taking in a simulated real situation. It allows students to live through the decision making experience, analyse results and suggest courses of action in the different areas of management knowledge. The course includes essentially two groups of activities: the first is the incorporation of companies (creation, finding finance, global and functional strategy) and the second involves the decision making process necessary to put the company into operation in a competitive scenario. Prerequisites: Strategy




Rodriguez Lopez Jaime Eric

ADMI-3128B Cultural Management: Basic Notions

This course of elective character pretends to introduce and make the students sensible with the topics of: culture, cultural organisations and industries and their processes of management. The student must develop the analysis and comprehension skills for understanding the processes and the impact involved with these types of organisations. The course includes theory, case analysis, practical activities, conferences with experts, and cultural organisations visits.



ADMI-3133B Environmental Management

The course Environment Management offers a program specially designed for students of different carriers who search to strengthen their leadership in public or private organisations of the third sector, which face threats of environment management.



- ADMI-3137

ADMI-3200 Undergraduate Final Research Project

The students are able to choose between being Research Assistances or to develop a Degree Thesis Project. It is intended that the student carry out research into a subject interest to him/her, thereby strengthening abilities in investigation and the integration of previous knowledge.




Ospina Silva Jose

ADMI-3205 ADMI 3205



ADMI-3207 Capital Markets

The course is intended to make a more in depth analysis of the institutions and instruments which it involves, money, financial and capitals markets in Colombia and the United States, Europe and Japan.




Rodriguez Raga Santiago

- ADMI-3209

ADMI-3210 Derivative Markets

With the globalisation process of financial flows and the internationalisation of the Colombian economy, both private and State companies in the industrial, agricultural and commercial sectors, as well as indivi¬dual investors, are or will be exposed to one or several of the following types of risk: exchange (peso / dollar






ADMI-3223B Las Finanzas en la Historia




Bautista Mena Rafael

ADMI-3224 Retail Management

This course introduces students to retail management, highlighting the supply chain and to the strategies implemented globally by companies.




ADMI-3308 Distribution Channels

This course is intended to go deeper into the different concepts of distribution as a market tactic, carry out studies of the factors which determine distribution, planning possible distribution programs and studying the Colombian distribution reality.



- ADMI-3309

- ADMI-3310

ADMI-3311 International Marketing

This course is to familiarise the student with marketing management in an international context, which implies an evaluation of companies' internationalisation process, the analysis and selection of markets of interest (market intelligence), the evaluation of different means of penetrating international markets, drawing up a marketing plan for this entry and the development of a product or service in the market chosen. The focus of the course is application through market intelligence workshops, the development of interactive cases, interaction with lecturers on themes specific to international marketing management and the preparation of an exportation plan for a company in the Expopyme program.



- ADMI-3313

ADMI-3315 Sales Management

The course is intended to identify the elements which are primordial in the management and operation of sales, to study the entrepreneurial criteria relating to the sale and development of commercial management abilities.



ADMI-3327 Real Options

The aim of this course is to extend the basic traditional theory of project evaluation transforming it into a useful tool applied to capital budget and project management in uncertain scenarios.



ADMI-3331 Decisiones Financieras Estratégicas



ADMI-3405 Information Technology

In this course, the student addresses the subject of information technology from the point of view of all aspects of an organisation: strategy, decision taking in technology, structure of an organisation, informatics dependence and the use of certain specific technologies such as databases or the Internet. The course is aimed at preparing administrators who are capable of leading the application of information technology in an organisation, applying it in the functional areas, with an in depth understanding of its dimension in the organisation as a whole.






ADMI-3410 Fundamentals of New Products Development

In response to conditions of the economic environment, actually affected by free trade agreements, global competence and continuous change, the course "Development of new Products" provides the basic concepts and tools needed to develop successful products and services in Colombian companies.




Lopez Juan


ADMI-3502 Strategy

The course focuses on the most important aspects of a business strategy in both an entrepreneurial and a corporate setting. Different models and frameworks of reference are presented, to enable the student to relate the organisation strategically to its environment. A company and a corporation are taken as an analysis unit, seeking to identify the bases of competitive advantage.




Pardo Oscar

- ADMI-3601

- ADMI-3604

ADMI-3606 Negotiation Strategies

This Negotiation Strategies course provides the essential skills to conduct an effective negotiation. This mechanism enables to achieve goals that involve others, as well as to solve difficult scenarios and manage conflicts where "capture valor" for the circumstances that are to be transformed. The course enables the development of the main tools and useful behaviors to plan the negotiation itself, its assessment and process follow-up, through an experience and participative methodology of case simulation and revised theory from the analysis of the same.




Orduz Baron Maria

ADMI-3615 Sports Marketing

The goal of this course is to understand the functioning of a business plan in the context of the sportsman, clubs, teams, tournaments, championship and federations. This course will discuss why to advertise through sports, interpret the sport as a product, the marketing mix in sports and specific topics such as sponsorship, merchandising, media and new media and grassroots marketing analysing international and national cases.



ADMI-3701 International Business

The course is to familiarise students with the international setting in which business is done, its variables, opportunities and threats of accelerated global development of society in the new millennium.




Van Den Heuvel Jean

ADMI-3704 International Trade and Global Logistics

The course provides students with knowledge of the tools which support decisions on transportation, storage, the distribution and logistics of global business, learning the importance of the role of the DFI, LCI and knowledge of incoterms.



ADMI-3705 Mercados Emergentes



ADMI-3711 Financiamiento de Capital de Riesgo e Innovación




Benavides Estevez-Breton Juan

ADMI-3810 Marketing And Management In Food Industry

The objective of this course is to create a space for reflection on the principals and fundamentals of marketing and its application to both the private and public problems that characterize the food supply chain, in order to help students in the definition of marketing strategies for products in this sector. The course will focus on recent trends in production, processing and distribution of food on a global scale. It will also consider elements that affect the international trade of perishable products and the political framework that influences the food industry.




Gomez Torres Teresa

ADMI-3826 Effective Branding and Advertising

This course is designed to provide skills and understanding of the role of brand development and advertising in connecting with consumers and building strong brands. Students will learn the fundamental principles and practices of strong brands, the interplay between brands and effective advertising, how to lay the strategic foundation for developing effective advertising and how to evaluate it. Ultimately, the goal is for students to become more effective managers of the advertising and branding process.




Gomez Torres Teresa

ADMI-3838 Investment Decisions In Emergi

Every investment decision demands the application of modern financial theory. However, advanced theories are set in the context of developed countries and do not capture the intricacies of operating in the developing world. Key concepts of financial theory will be reviewed with a focus on investment decisions in real assets as it relates to investors in emerging markets. The objective is to juxtapose the assumptions of financial theory against the realities prevailing in emerging countries and to propose more relevant approaches for investment decisions in these nations.




Gomez Torres Teresa

ADMI-3839 Value Creation In Mergers And

In this course students will learn three essential topics related to: (i) basic ideas pertaining to a strategy of corporate development with Mergers and Acquisitions, (ii) value creation from the financial point of view, and (iii) the challenges in integrating M&A´s and attempting to understand the key success factor in integrating acquisitions. At the end of the course, the students will be capable to select an appropriate strategy of M&A, understand the financial aspects linked to the value creation in M&A, and have a comprehensive framework for executing M&A.




Gomez Torres Teresa

ADMI-3841 Business Ethics And Principles

This course will provide students with a greater understanding of sound ethical principles used in the business environment and will describe corporate fraud, and fraud prevention activities. Specifically, the course will provide tools to understand the philosophical principles behind different ethical constructs, develop an appreciation for ethical situations that arise from a global economy, help to understand the fraud triangle and identify its components, as well as understand the importance of internal controls and skills to prevent and detect fraud in a business and personal environment.




Gomez Torres Teresa

ADMI-3842 Behavioral Finance

This course covers aspects of financial markets which are commonly overlooked by neoclassical finance theory. This includes an analysis of market structure and investor behavior when it is costly to acquire information about assets, costly to transact, and costly to monitor managerial behavior, effort, or performance. The course will focus on potential deviations from efficient markets and rational investor behavior, in particular, on the "heuristics and biases" of investors, their overconfidence, loss aversion, and tendency toward correlated trading strategies.




GomezTorres Teresa

ADMI-3843 International Business Environ

Increased regional integration and globalization present opportunities as well as threats for businesses in a number of environments (e.g. political, legal, economic, technological, ecological, competitive, labor). This course thus aims to act as a vehicle for the exploration of: a) different kinds of international business environments, b) theoretical aspects and problems relating to these environments, and their empirical manifestations in a number of territories.




Gomez Torres Teresa

ADMI-3845 Democratic Systems And Politic

The course discusses the concept of political risk with focus on Latin America and provides the necessary tools to understand key sources of political risk. The first part of the course introduces different aspects of political regimes, focusing on the characteristics and functioning of democracy. It draws on the theories of democratization and democratic consolidation to discuss aspects such as electoral systems, governability, and populism, among others. The course then applies the theoretical concepts to empirical cases, discussing key dimensions of political risk, such as crime, economic and political crisis, and armed insurgency.




Gomez Torres Teresa

ADMI-3846 Babson Entrepreneurship Workshop

This course will be taught at Babson College in Wellesley, Massachusetts (14 miles west of Boston). Babson College, a global leader in entrepreneurship education, teaching, and research, will teach an International Business Seminar in which the overall goal is to provide a learning experience to UniAndes students in which they will acquire a business global perspective and entrepreneurial mindset. At Babson Entrepreneurship is defined as a way of thinking and acting that is opportunity obsessed, and leadership balanced. It isn’t just an academic discipline, it’s an attitude and a way of living.   Participants must be undergraduate or graduate students. Delivery, as well as material is in English, and participants are required to prepare for each class, present, and participate in the class discussion. From Monday to Friday of this week, participants should expect to start days at 8:00am and finish activities at around 5:00pm. Time will need to be dedicated to work in teams and individually during most of the evenings. The program is delivered by Babson College faculty.




Gomez Torres Teresa

ADMI-3847 Case Training For Consulting

This course develops skills valued by consultants – analysis, decision-making, team work, communication, and persuasion. Interdisciplinary case studies and judged competitions are used to simulate consulting situations. Course activities include skills training, practical exercises, case analyses and formal presentations.




Gomez Torres Teresa

ADMI-3848 From The Classroom To The Business World: How To Innovate?

Every company that vies in a competitive market must innovate and initiate, in order to provide customers with services or products better suited to their needs and demands. The capacity for innovative thinking is the key ingredient in development and advancement on both the business and personal levels. Therefore, understanding conceptual methods of innovation is crucial. The course will focus on teaching the tools of "Systematic Inventive Thinking" (SIT), a widely recognized method in the industrial arena based upon a mental process that generates ideas for solving problems, new product, process and service development, as well as marketing promises and creative messages.




Gomez Torres Teresa

- ADMI-3857

- ADMI-3868

- ADMI-3869

- ADMI-3870

- ADMI-3871

- ADMI-3872

- ADMI-3873

- ADMI-3874

- ADMI-3875

- ADMI-3876

ADMI-3990 Inscripción a Grado




Gomez Torres Teresa

ADMI-3991 Business Internship

The purpose of this course is to integrate companies with students and the University. The intern continues to be an active student of the University while he/she carries out his/her work at the company. This activity is complemented with monthly evaluation sessions, in which students share their experiences with other interns, from the same school as well as others participating in the activity. Professors, students, parents and entrepreneurs also attend and participate in these meetings. During the internship, both the company and the students will send the University periodic reports regarding the work carried out as well as the students’ performance in the company.




Gomez Torres Teresa

ADMI-3992 Professional Internship

The professional internship is oriented toward complementing student training through an experience outside of the classroom, through participation in the dynamics of companies and institutions. During the internship the student will be signed up in a follow-up program with the active participation of academic coordinators and the intern’s tutor. The students can do a business or social internship, either domestic or international, for one semester, and the equivalence is six (6) credits from the career electives.




Gomez Torres Teresa