Health Services

The Board of Trustees recognizes that health services should be made available to all students. The Health Service Office, (located in Room G-109), will provide the services of a registered nurse during scheduled class hours to care for emergency, illness or injury. Parents or next of kin will be notified of any serious illness or accident occurring at Triton College. If necessary, the student will be transported to a medical facility by ambulance. The cost of treatment shall be the responsibility of the student.

The following health services will be provided to all:

Health Services: 

  1. Caring of the ill and injured student.
  2. Dispensing of non-prescriptive medications.
  3. Referral to other health agencies
  4. Offering of routine tests
  5. Wellness and Health Education programming

Note: Strict confidentiality is maintained at all times concerning any visits to the Health Services Office.

Health Career students will need to meet additional specific health requirements. Consult the individual programs or the Health Services Office for further information at (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3359.

Triton College/Student Policy for DrugFree Campus

It is the policy of Triton College, District 504, to provide a "drug-free" campus environment as defined by college policy as approved by the Board of Trustees. The college policy is made available to all students via the student handbook and is disseminated throughout the college community.

Triton College prohibits the unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of a controlled substance within the campus environment. Appropriate sanctions include but are not limited to:

  1. Required participation in an approved chemical dependency program provided by the Student Assistance Plan (SAP)
  2. Disciplinary warning
  3. Suspension
  4. Dismissal

Such sanctions will be imposed on students found to be in violation of this policy.

Substance abuse counseling is available via the Student Assistance Program. Information regarding the Student Assistance Program is available from the Counseling department. Additional information regarding the dangers of drug abuse is available in the Counseling Center, Triton College Library and Health Services.

Alcoholic Beverage Policy

The use of alcohol at college functions is inconsistent with the institution’s endorsement of the Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act Amendments of 1989 (Public Law 101-226) and its Drug-Free Campus Policy.

Alcoholic beverages may not be served on the Triton College premises except for instructional purposes (i.e., hospitality industry management and/or associated programming). In these cases, prior approval must be granted in writing through the supervising academic dean. In the service of alcoholic beverages for associated instructional purposes, the following procedures should be strictly followed:

  • The serving of alcoholic beverages must be incidental to and not the primary purpose for the activity at which alcoholic beverages are served. Alcoholic beverages may only be served at catered events and associated with the delivery of a pre-approved instructional program.
  • Alcoholic beverages may be served on those portions of the Triton campus that are used for food service and convention-type activities. The serving of alcoholic beverages shall be limited to participants in educational activities held in such facilities.
  • No person under 21 years of age, nor anyone who is under the influence of alcohol or dangerous substances or who is disorderly in conduct, may serve, consume or dispense alcoholic beverages.
  • Supervising faculty must demonstrate that they can comply responsibly with all the laws and college regulations pertaining to the use of alcoholic beverages on campus.
  • No alcoholic beverages may be served until the Vice President of Business Services or designee shall be satisfied that there exists maximum insurance coverage limits so as to save harmless Triton College from all financial loss, damage and harm.

Student Assistance Plan

At Triton College, student success is a primary concern. Services are provided to assist students both academically and financially. In cooperation with Perspectives, students can receive personalized attention when they need it, quickly and privately.

The Student Assistance Plan will help assess their problems and concerns. They will be referred for the appropriate treatment and follow-up will occur to ensure that the treatment was suitable for the student.

The first step to solving a student’s problems is to contact a Triton counselor at (708) 456-0300, Ext. 3588. Students should tell the counselor that they are interested in the Student Assistance Plan. The counselor will connect them with a staff member of Perspectives who will work directly with the student. If the Triton Counseling Center is not open, students may contact the Perspectives directly at (800) 866-7556. The SAP counselor will assist the student as quickly as possible.

Tobacco and Smoke Fee Campus Policy

Triton College is dedicated to providing a healthy working environment for all of its students, employees, and guests.

By operation of state law and this Policy, effective July 1, 2015, smoking is prohibited throughout Triton College. This prohibition shall apply to all property owned, maintained, leased or otherwise utilized by Triton College. Smoking is prohibited in all indoor locations, including College vehicles, and outdoors on all College property.

This Policy shall also prohibit any sale, consumption, free sampling, distribution or advertising of any and all tobacco products, including but not limited to those identified in the “definitions” herein, on College property. No individual on College property shall litter or otherwise dispose of tobacco waste products on Triton College property.

  1. Beginning July 1, 2015, Triton College shall post signs to indicate a “Smoke-Free Campus” or utilize the international “No Tobacco” symbol. Such signs shall be placed at critical Campus areas, including but not limited to building entrances. This Policy shall apply even in areas where signs are not posted.
  2. The Triton College website shall indicate that all Campus property, vehicles and satellite locations are smoke free and shall include a campus map indicating the areas in which smoking is prohibited.
  3. All organizations utilizing Campus property shall be informed of the Smoke Free Campus Policy and shall be responsible for informing attendees and enforcing the Policy.
  4. Members of the Triton College community who fail to comply with this Smoke Free Policy will be subject to all penalties as prescribed by College Policy and applicable law.
    1. Student Non-Compliance

      Students failing to comply with this Policy shall be referred to the Dean of Student Services and may be subject to the Student Disciplinary Process.

    2. Employee Non-Compliance

      Employees failing to comply with the Policy shall be referred to the employee’s administrative supervisor, and be cited as prescribed by law.

    3. Contractors/Sub-Contractor Non-Compliance

      Non-compliance will be referred to the Campus unit responsible for monitoring performance of the applicable contract. The monitoring Campus unit shall determine whether termination of the contract is appropriate, and be cited as prescribed by law.

  5. Any non-Triton student or non-staff individual smoking on Triton College property will be asked to immediately extinguish the tobacco product. Such violation will result in referral to the Campus Police Department.


In certain limited circumstances, an individual may request advance approval to allow smoking on Triton College property. Such exceptions will be granted only in the following limited situations:

Ceremonial Smoking

Individuals or groups interested in smoking as part of a ceremony on Campus property must seek advance approval from the Vice President of Business Services.

Smoking Research

Smoking may be allowed in an enclosed area on Campus property for a medical, scientific, or research program where smoking is an integral part of the research and the appropriate Campus research oversight body has approved the inclusion of smoking. Smoking research studies must receive advance approval from the Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs.


For the purpose of this Policy, the following definitions shall apply:

“Smoking” means (1) lighting or burning any type of matter or substance that contains tobacco, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, pipes, beedies, kreteks, water pipes, bongs, and hookahs; (2) lighting or burning of non-tobacco plants or marijuana; and (3) using electronic cigarettes.

“Campus Property” means any property owned, leased, occupied, operated or otherwise controlled by Triton College, including but not limited to academic and auxiliary buildings, classrooms, laboratories, elevators, stairwells, restrooms, roofs, meeting rooms, hallways, lobbies and other common areas, athletic complexes and facilities, exterior open spaces, shuttle buses, shuttle bus stops, parking lots, driveways, loading docks, College-owned streets, sidewalks and walkways.

“Tobacco Products” means all forms of tobacco, including but not limited to cigarettes, cigars, cigarillos, pipes, beedies, kreteks, water pipes, bongs, and hookahs, electronic cigarettes, smokeless tobacco, snuff, chewing tobacco and any non-FDA approved nicotine delivery device or product.