MAT 131 Calculus & Analytic Geometry I #

First course in a three-part calculus sequence. Introduces the concept of a limit process which is central to much of modern mathematics. Develops the differential and integral calculus of elementary functions from the limit idea. Develops applications to geometry, physics, economics and other sciences.


5 credits


Reading and Writing: Must meet all current reading and writing requirements for RHT 101 placement. AND MAT 111 OR MAT 110 and MAT 114 (grades of 'C' or better in all courses) or required math placement test score, or other placement options (see college placement policy). | Reading and Writing: Must meet all current reading and writing requirements for RHT 101 placement. AND MAT 111 OR MAT 110 and MAT 114 (grades of 'C' or better in all courses) or required math placement test score, or other placement options (see college placement policy). | Reading and Writing: Must meet all current reading and writing requirements for RHT 101 placement. AND MAT 111 OR MAT 110 and MAT 114 (grades of 'C' or better in all courses) or required math placement test score, or other placement options (see college placement policy).






IAI: M19001

Last Updated

8/15/2017 10:38:31 AM