2023-2024 Undergraduate Catalog

ARLE 40103 Arts Leadership and Entrepreneurship Experience

Prerequisites: This course is the CAPSTONE course for the ARLE minor. Students should have completed the full sequence of their ARLE courses before taking this course. In this capstone course, students apply their cumulative knowledge and skills in arts leadership and entrepreneurship to a real arts organization project on the TCU campus or in a local arts organization, for example, a strategic plan, business plan, showcase, or thesis. Students interested in creative entrepreneurship would create a new venture or apply best practices to revitalizing an existing arts organization, on campus or in the community. Students learn to set goals and objectives, work effectively in teams, design project work to respond to client needs, manage budgets and resources, and meet competing deadlines in a fast-paced environment mirroring real life work as an arts entrepreneur or arts leader. They also utilize best practices in project evaluation as they assess the results of their course project(s) and their team processes.
