2020-2021 Catalog

Stackable Post-Baccalaureate Graduate Certificate for the Digital Entrepreneurship Concentration of the MBA (Cheddar) Program

Students pursuing the Digital Entrepreneurship concentration of the MBA (Cheddar) program may complete multiple post-baccalaureate graduate certificates as they work toward the completion of their MBA (Cheddar) degree. Students who have already earned a MBA degree are eligible to pursue the certificates but they cannot receive another MBA. Students must complete a minimum of 13.5 quarter credit hours (3 courses) for each certificate, with a minimum of 9 quarter credit hours (2 courses) in residence. Additionally, students must complete the Cheddar version of at least two classes of each certificate they pursue. The same course may only be used to satisfy the requirements of one post-baccalaureate graduate certificate. 

Number of Certificates

Total Minimum Credit Hours Required

Total Minimum Credit Hours
Required in Residence

 First certificate  13.5  9
 Second certificate  27  18
 Third certificate  40.5  27
 Fourth certificate  54  36