2019–2020 Catalog

Stackable Post-Baccalaureate Graduate Certificate

Students seeking to complete multiple post-baccalaureate graduate certificates are permitted to do so and may stack earned credits toward an applicable Master of Business Administration degree. Note that students may not earn an additional Master of Business Administration degree if they have already earned a Master of Business Administration degree either from Strayer or from another institution. Students must complete a minimum of 13.5 quarter credit hours (3 courses) for each certificate, with a minimum of 9 quarter credit hours (2 courses) in residence. If post-baccalaureate graduate certificates require one or more of the same courses to complete the certificate, then students are not eligible to obtain the additional post-baccalaureate graduate certificates. The same course may only be used to satisfy the requirements of one post-baccalaureate graduate certificate. 

Number of Certificates

Total Minimum Credit Hours Required

Total Minimum Credit Hours
Required in Residence

 First certificate  13.5  9
 Second certificate  27  18
 Third certificate  40.5  27
 Fourth certificate  54  36