2015-2016 Catalog
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Strayer University
2015 Academic Calendar
2016 Academic Calendar
Campuses and Locations
General Information
Admission to the University
Financial Information
Policies and Procedures
Student Services and Activities
Program Availability
ACC - Accounting
Undergraduate Accounting Courses
Graduate Accounting Courses
BUS - Business
CIS - Information Systems
COM - Communciations
CRJ - Criminal Justice
DRP - Accounting
ECO - Economics
EDU - Education
ENG - English
FOS - Foundations of Success
FIN - Finance
HIS - History
HRM - Human Resource Management
HSA - Health Services Administration
HTM - Hospitality and Tourism Management
HUM - Humanities
ITB - International Business
JWI - Jack Welch Management Institute
LAN - Foreign Language
LEG - Legal Studies
MAT - Mathematics
MGT - Management
MKT - Marketing
NUR - Nursing
PAD - Public Administration
PHI - Philosophy
POL - Political Science
PSY - Psychology
REL - Religion
RES - Research Course
SCI - Science
SEC - Security
SOC - Sociology
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ACC - Accounting
ACC 100
Accounting I
ACC 206
Accounting II
ACC 303
Intermediate Accounting I
ACC 304
Intermediate Accounting II
ACC 305
Intermediate Accounting III
ACC 306
Microcomputer Applications for Accountants
ACC 307
Federal Taxation
ACC 317
Advanced Federal Taxation
ACC 350
Cost Accounting
ACC 399
Directed Learning Project
ACC 401
Advanced Accounting
ACC 403
ACC 410
Government and Not-for-Profit Accounting
ACC 499
Undergraduate Accounting Capstone
ACC 555
Individual Tax Research and Planning
ACC 556
Financial Accounting for Managers
ACC 557
Financial Accounting
ACC 560
Managerial Accounting
ACC 562
Advanced Auditing
ACC 563
Advanced Accounting Theory
ACC 564
Accounting Information Systems
ACC 565
Organizational Tax Research and Planning
ACC 568
International Tax Planning and Research
ACC 569
Systems Auditing
ACC 570
International Accounting Systems
ACC 571
Forensic Accounting
ACC 572
International Accounting Reporting Standards- IFRS
ACC 573
Financial Reporting and Analysis
ACC 574
Emerging Auditing Technologies
ACC 575
Business Law and Tax
ACC 576
Auditing and Business Concepts
ACC 577
Comprehensive Financial Accounting
ACC 578
Fraud Prevention and Detection
ACC 599
Graduate Accounting Capstone