Grade Appeal

Grade appeals can occur for the following three reasons: computational error; arbitrariness or capriciousness; unlawful discrimination. If a student believes that they have the basis to appeal a final grade, they should follow the grade appeal procedures and deadlines outlined below.

A grade appeal must be initiated within ten instructional days of the semester following the term of the grade under appeal. A student cannot appeal a grade after they have graduated.

A. Explanation of Grounds for Appeal

1. Computational error.

The faculty member is alleged to have made a mistake in the mathematical computation of the course grade. If the faculty member discovers a computational error in calculating a student's grade, they should submit a "Change of Grade" form to the Dean's Office. The faculty member should notify the student of the error and resulting change; the student has the right to question or appeal this grade following the procedures outlined below. If a student believes that a mistake has been made in the computation of their grade, they should first speak with the faculty member. If the faculty member agrees, the faculty member should complete a "Change of Grade" form, have it signed by the Academic unit head and by the Dean's Office. If the faculty member does not agree, the student may then follow the procedures and deadlines outlined below.

Deadlines: "Change of Grade" forms must be received by the Dean's Office no later than one semester following the semester in which the computational error was made.

2. Arbitrariness or capriciousness.

The student alleges that the grade was based on something other than performance in a course (i.e. non-academic criteria); or the grade reflects standards different from those applied to other students in the course; or the grade departs from the standards of evaluation set forth in the syllabi or other written document in a substantial, unreasonable, and unannounced way. In this case, the student should follow the procedures and deadlines outlined below.

3. Discrimination.

The student alleges that the grade reflects a violation of the University's non-discrimination policy as stated in the University catalogs and student handbooks. In this case, the student should follow the "grievance procedures" for bringing a claim of unlawful discrimination as outlined in the University catalogs and student handbooks.

B. Grade Appeal Procedures and Deadlines

1. First Step: Informal Resolution with Course Faculty Member.

If the student believes they have received an unfair course grade, they shall attempt to resolve the matter informally with the faculty member who assigned the grade. The faculty member shall meet with the student to consider their reasons for believing the final grade to be unfair. If the faculty member does not believe there is merit for a grade change, they notify the student. The student may then proceed to the second step below. If the faculty member believes there is reason to change the grade, they complete the "Change of Grade" form, including a clear explanation of the reason for the change that is consistent with the terms of this grade appeal policy. The faculty member submits the "Change of Grade" form to the Academic unit head for approval; the academic unit head submits it to the Dean's Office for approval. After Dean's Office approval is received, the faculty member notifies the student of the change.

Deadlines: The student must make their appeal to the faculty member no later than the tenth day of instruction of the semester following the assignment of the grade under appeal. If the grade is not to be changed, the faculty member will notify the student of their decision within five days of instruction of their meeting. If the grade is to be changed, the faculty member submits the "Change of Grade" form to the Academic unit head within five days of instruction. The Dean's Office will notify the faculty member when the change has been processed so that the faculty member can notify the student.

2. Second Step: Informal Resolution with Academic Unit Head.

If, after the faculty member's notification of their consideration of the initial grade appeal, the student continues to believe that the grade is unfairly assigned, the student shall meet with the Director of the Program in which the course was taken and explain the grounds for the student's grade appeal. The student will provide all supporting course materials. The Academic unit head shall meet with the faculty member. If the faculty member, after discussion with the Academic unit head, agrees that the grade should be changed, they completes a "Change of Grade" form, including a clear explanation of the reason for the change that is consistent with the terms of this grade appeal policy. The faculty member submits the "Change of Grade" form to the Academic unit head for approval; the Academic unit head submits it to the Dean's Office for approval. If the faculty member does not agree, the student may proceed to the third step below.

Deadlines: The student must submit an appeal with the Department Program Director within ten instructional days after notice of the decision in "first step" above. The Academic unit head informs the student of their decision within five instructional days of their meeting.

3. Third Step: Dean's Review.

If, after seeking informal resolution with the Academic unit head, the student continues to believe that the assigned grade is unfair and wishes to pursue the appeal, the student may submit a written appeal to the Dean's Office. The written statement includes the student's reasons for appealing the grade and any supporting materials. The Dean or their designate shall meet, separately and/or together, with the student and the faculty member and may ask for a written statement from the faculty member. Additionally, the Dean or their designate shall meet with the Academic unit head. If the Dean's Review determines that there is no merit to the grade appeal, the Dean informs the student that the final grade stands. The grade appeal process ends here.

Deadlines: The student must submit a written statement grade appeal to the Dean within ten instructional days of the notice of the decision in the "second step" above. The Dean informs the student of their decision within ten instructional days of their final meeting.

4. Fourth Step: Faculty Grade Appeal Committee.

If the Dean's Review determines that there is merit to the grade appeal, the Dean will refer the appeal to a Faculty Grade Appeal Committee. (The Committee may be a standing or an ad hoc committee.)

Deadlines: The Faculty Grade Appeal Committee has twenty instructional days to convene and deliberate. The Committee notifies the student, faculty member, and Dean's Office of its decision within five instructional days of its decision.

Please note that although individual assignments become part of a course grade appeal, only the final grade in a course is open to appeal under this process. As a result of the grade appeal process, the final grade may be raised, lowered, or stay the same. The grade appeal process will not attempt to grade or re-grade individual assignments or aspects of course work other than the final grade. Similarly, no new or revised course work can be requested by the student or accepted by the faculty member as part of a grade appeal process. Records of all graded material, including examinations, papers, homework, etc. shall be maintained by individual faculty members until the end of the grade appeal procedure period. Students are strongly encouraged to maintain copies of all work submitted to the faculty member as well as graded work returned to the student by the faculty member.