2022-2023 Undergraduate Catalog

English Teacher Certification

Students should seek course selection advisement from their Major Advisor.






English Major Course Sequence

Suggested Four Year Sequence of Study


Year 1 - Semester 1 (15cr)

  • FYWS 125 or CTL 125
  • MA XXX College Level Math Course (Foundational Core 1)
  • Foreign Language 1
  • ENG 201 (Foundational Core 2)
  • Foundational Core 3


Year 1, Semester 2 (15cr)

  • FYWS 125 or CTL 125
  • Foreign Language 2 (Liberal Arts Explorations 1 Human Inquiry)
  • HI 100 or HI 101 (Foundational Core 4)
  • Foundational Core 5
  • Foundational Core 6


Year 2, Semester 3 (15cr)


Year 2, Semester 4 (15cr)

  • CIT 202
  • ENG Major Elective 1
  • ENG 210
  • ENG 222
  • Liberal Arts Explorations 3


Note: Plan your 5th and 6th semesters' schedules to include time to spend 6 hours a week in clinic

Year 3 - Semester 5 (15cr)


Year 3 - Semester 6 (15cr)

  • ED 454
  • ED 411
  • ENG 215
  • ENG Major Elective 4
  • ENG Major Elective 5


Note: Plan your 7th semester schedule to include time to spend one day a week in clinic

Year 4 - Semester 7 (15cr)


Year 4 - Semester 8 (15cr)

  • ED 498
  • Elective
  • Elective
  • Elective
  • Elective


Graduate Program Sequence


Summer 1 (6cr)


Summer 2 (6cr)


Fall (12cr)


Spring (15cr)