2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog

Computer Facilities

Sacred Heart University offers a state-of-the-art campus network. The library, classrooms, on-campus residence facilities, health and recreation center, and faculty and administrative offices are all networked. With its fiber-optic infrastructure, the University is positioned to support a wide range of emerging technologies.

The University has established itself as a pioneer in the implementation of technology across the curriculum. A host of multiprocessor campus servers support the labs and educational programs. The University maintains 1.5 Gbps Internet (1,500 Mbps), dual-housed for reliability and uptime. The network also supports video, voice, and data across the campus. State-of-the-art routers and firewalls provide high-speed connectivity and security to Wide Area Network (WAN) segments and are completely managed in-house. Administrators apply traffic-shaping, intrusion-prevention, and wireless security measures for access as secure as it is convenient.

The University has adopted the Blackboard Transact system to create a simplified means for identification and commerce transactions on campus. The SHU ID card can also be used at select off-campus merchant locations to facilitate additional commerce transactions. For a list of off-campus merchant locations, please go to http://www.sacredheart.edu/campuslife/lifeonoffcampus/shucard/participatingmerchants.

In support of the laptop program, the University has an on-site Technical Service Center and Call Center (The Factory) staffed by certified technicians and open 12 hours a day Monday—Thursday, 9 hours on Friday, and 4 hours on Saturday so that members of the University community can call trained technicians for assistance with anything that pertains to technology. The Factory can be accessed on campus through the internal telephone system and off campus via a toll-free telephone number (866) 365-7575. The Factory is specifically designed to service and troubleshoot problems with laptops. Through Sacred Heart’s telephone support hotline, students, faculty, and staff can dial a toll-free number or e-mail tech support to obtain technical assistance. In addition, Sacred Heart University has a full-time training department, which provides multiple workshops every month to train faculty, staff, and students on various technology applications. One-on-one sessions are available by appointment and can cover any software supported by the University.