2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog

Payment of Tuition and Fees

Students can pay tuition and other fees in full by cash, check, or money order. All checks should be made payable to Sacred Heart University. Cash payment must be made in person at the Cashiers Window located in the Main Academic Building, Science Wing/Lower Level.

For online payments, go to www.sacredheart.edu/studentaccounts.

Monthly Payment Plan Options

A monthly payment plan is available during regular terms (Fall and Spring). For additional information and/or to enroll, go to www.sacredheart.edu/studentaccounts.

Late Fee

If a payment is received later than the due date, a finance charge will be assessed at the rate of .75% per month, annual rate of 9%.

Guaranteed Payment Plan

This program enables part-time students to register for a term without tuition payment at the time of registration. Further information regarding the Guaranteed Payment Plan can be obtained online at www.sacredheart.edu/studentaccounts.