2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog

Part-Time Student

Part-Time Undergraduate Tuition $625 per credit
Full-Time to Part-Time Undergraduate Tuition
(change in status from Full-Time to Part-Time after 84 completed credits)
$1,372 per credit
Taste of College 
High School Student Program/17
Max 2  6 Credits (additional credits @ PT Rate)
$133 per credit
Taste of College 
Accelerated High School Student Prog/17
(St. Joseph & Notre Dame Fairfield CT)
Max 6 Credits (additional credits @ PT Rate)
$65 per credit

Taste of College 
Sr Citizen Prog/62
Max 6 Credits  (additional credits @ PT Rate)

$100 per credit

Registration Fee
(required and non-refundable)

$115 per term


$945 per course

*Tuition is charged on a per credit hour basis and varies by program.

Program & Lab Fees (see Full-Time Undergraduate Other Fee Schedule)

Online Programs

Visit the SHU Online website for tuition and fee information (https://onlineprograms.sacredheart.edu/tuition-financial-aid)

Important Note: If information regarding billing is needed, it is the student's responsibility to contact the Student Accounts Office at (203) 371-7925, prior to the scheduled payment dates to avoid any late payment charges.

If you wish for Student Accounts to speak (in-person or by phone) with any party (i.e. parents) other than yourself (student); Student Accounts will need your student authorization. Please log on to your student account to add other party as an authorized user.

It is the sole responsibility of the Student to maintain a current mailing address with the Registrar's Office. Please log onto Web Advisor to update your personal information.

All rates are subject to Board of Trustee approval. Charges listed above are subject to audit and do not constitute an official bill.

Offices & ServicesStudent Accounts