2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog

Transfer, Advanced Placement, and College Equivalent Credit

Transfer Credit

Credit is awarded from regionally accredited colleges and universities for courses that carry grades of C or better and that parallel Sacred Heart University offerings. The University reserves the right to examine selected courses to determine whether or not their content and quality fit the University’s purpose and goals. Sacred Heart University will accept a maximum of 66 credits from two-year colleges and 90 credits from four-year institutions.

For those students who come in with at least 60 credits from a regionally accredited 2- or 4-year institution, the standard SHU Core Curriculum will be waived. However, in order to earn a Bachelor’s degree from Sacred Heart University, students will need (1) CIT 202 and (2) at least 40 credits (including transfer credits) in general education: humanities, social/behavioral sciences, math, natural sciences, and/or computer science. 

For incoming traditional freshmen who have earned 60 college credits in a regionally accredited college or university, as above, we will waive the standard SHU Core Curriculum.  However, these students must take a First Year Seminar, Critical Thinking and Learning and Catholic Intellectual Tradition II (CIT 202) and complete a First Year Experience course.

Students should review their major checksheet and degree evaluations after transfer credits are posted to their SHU transcript.