2018-2019 Graduate Catalog

IT and Network Security Certificate

Our country and, in fact, the entire world have become increasingly dependent on information technology as a means of staying competitive in business, industry, the arts, and commerce of all types. Education, electronic commerce, and the Defense Department are all areas that utilize technology on an exponentially expanding level with each passing year. But this dependence on and utilization of technology are accompanied by a growing risk of security issues that must be addressed if we are to thrive and survive in a technology-driven world. Inadequate security practices have left corporations vulnerable to a number of illegal activities such as computer fraud, telecommunications abuse, and unauthorized disclosure, modification, and destruction of information. National security has been and will continue to be threatened unless corporations and the government on all levels are able to effect and maintain sufficient computer security. The certificate program in IT & Network Security is designed to provide individuals with introductory networking, ethical, and security skills to effectively address the areas of concern mentioned above. The courses in the certificate program:

  • provide an overview of networking protocols and how they can be secured;
  • introduce the individual to an array of social and ethical issues that are incumbent on those in providing security; and
  • provide the individual with an introduction to computer programming as it relates to the maintenance of security protocols.

Upon completion of the certificate program, the student will be better equipped to enter or continue as a professional in the cyber security field.

Certificate Requirements

The program requires the student to complete a minimum of 12 semester credit hours of coursework with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. There are two prerequisites to the certificate: CS 500 and CS 501. Students matriculated in the master’s program are not eligible for a graduate certificate. However, all course credits earned in a certificate program may be applied to the master’s program. Contact the program director to determine which, if any, graduate certificate credits may apply. Graduate admissions procedures must be followed.

Prerequisite Courses (6 credits, if required)

CS 500Introduction to Structured Programming


CS 501Introduction to Data Structures


Required Courses (9 credits)

CS 621Principles of Data Communication


CS 622Network Security I


Elective Courses (3 credits)

Choose one:

CS 625Cryptography


Certificate Total: 12–18 credits, depending on prerequisite requirements