2018-2019 Graduate Catalog

Payment of Tuition and Fees

Students must be enrolled in a payment plan, paid in full and/or covered by Student Financial Assistance to attend a semester. If accounts are not paid to date, classes are subject to cancellation on a date determined by the University.

Pay in Full Payment Schedule: Students not enrolled in a payment plan must pay their account in full by:

  • Fall semester: payment in full is due August 20
  • Spring semester: payment in full is due January 1
  • Winter & Spring Intensives: payment is due at registration   
  • Late Spring and Summer 1: payment in full is due April 22
  • Summer 2: payment in full is due June 1

After due date: payment is due at the time of registration. When payment is not received by the due date, a late fee will be assessed at the rate of .75% per month on the unpaid balance (annual rate of 9%), such charge to be computed from the due date.

Mail payments to:  Sacred Heart University, Attn: Office of the Cashier, 5151 Park Avenue, Fairfield, CT 06825

For all payment options, review Student Accounts website: www.sacredheart.edu/StudentAccounts