2016-2017 Undergraduate Catalog

Appeals of Course-Based Penalties

The student will initially have presented his or her explanation to the faculty member when the faculty member first consulted the student about the work in question. The student who claims he or she did not act dishonestly should ordinarily attempt a resolution with the faculty member. If the resolution was not satisfactory following when a student failed a course or received a reduced course grade based on a formerly reported accusation of dishonesty, the student may appeal the grade by presenting a written statement demonstrating that he or she did not violate the present policy. The student should present supporting documentation. A documented appeal associated with a grade must be presented in writing within fifteen working days of the notification from the dean of the student’s college.

The procedure for a documented appeal is: If the faculty member imposes a sanction because he or she finds the student acted in violation of the policy, the student may present the case in writing with supporting evidence to the department chair or program director of the faculty member involved. The chair/program director will consult with the faculty member in an attempt to resolve the matter. If the chair/program director is unable to resolve the matter, he or she will inform the student in writing. If the student wishes to pursue the matter further, the student may appeal in writing to the dean of the college in which the course was taken.

If the dean of the college in which the course was taken or the dean’s designee finds that the appeal has merit, he or she will convene an appeal committee. This committee will consist of three faculty members: one selected by the student, one selected by the faculty member who taught the course, and one selected by the dean. After reviewing all documented evidence, the appeal committee will then propose a solution that the grade either stands or should be reviewed by the faculty member. This concludes the process.