2016-2017 Graduate Catalog

Ryan Matura Library

Peter Gavin Ferriby, M.Div., MA, MLS, Ph.D.

University Librarian

Robert H. Berry, MA, MLS, J.D.

Social and Behavioral Sciences Librarian

Matilde Renata Cioffi, BA, MBA

Director of Library Information and Budget

Nancy Del Vecchio, MLS, MAT

Collection Development Librarian


Head of Technical Services

Amy Jansen, MSL.I.S., MA

Business and Web Resources Librarian

Elizabeth Knapik, MLS, MBA

Head of Information Literacy Programs

Xiaohua Li, MSC.S., MLS

Director of Digital Library Technology and Services

Beverly Lysobey, BA, MLS

Catalog Librarian

Kimberly Macomber, MLS

Reference Librarian

Jeffrey Orrico, BS, MLS

Health Sciences Librarian