2016-2017 Graduate Catalog

Course-Based Sanctions for Violations of Academic Integrity

When a faculty member encounters a suspected case of academic dishonesty, he or she should address the matter with the student, after collecting whatever evidence may be available and relevant. The faculty member has the right to ask the student to provide evidence about sources used or other reasonable requests to establish the work the student did.

If the faculty member discovers that the student did act dishonestly, he or she will assign a penalty of a failing grade for the assignment; he or she may immediately assign the student a grade of F for the course. Cases of improper citation are a matter of faculty discretion.

Faculty will report in writing the incident of academic dishonesty and the sanction imposed to the faculty’s chair or program director, dean of the college in which the course was taken, and dean of the student’s college within five working days of the sanction. The faculty member will provide all parties with appropriate documentation of the incident. The dean of the student’s college will inform the student and his or her academic advisor in writing of the accusation, instructor’s course-based sanction, and appeals process available to the student within five working days of the notification from the faculty member. In the instance of a second confirmed violation, the letter sent to the student will stipulate that this is a second violation. These time lines apply under normal circumstances barring institutional exigencies.