2016-2017 Graduate Catalog

Consequences for Second and Subsequent Violation of Academic Integrity

The deans will maintain central files on all reported cases of student academic dishonesty in their colleges. Should a student transfer his or her major to another college, the dean will transfer files pertaining to that student to the dean of the other college.

When the dean of any college receives confirmed notice of a second violation by a student in that college, the dean will refer the matter to a standing faculty committee on academic integrity. This committee will consist of one faculty member each from the Colleges of Arts and Sciences, Business, Education, and Health Professions. The committee will also include the Dean of Students as a non-voting member. Faculty members of the committee will be elected from their respective colleges for two-year terms in elections run by the Standing Committee on Academic Integrity. The purpose of this committee is to recommend additional sanctions to be taken against the student, including exclusion from the University for one or two semesters or dismissal from the University.

The committee will have available to it the full documentation of the student’s previous violation of academic integrity and authority to request additional information and documentation as warranted; however, the committee is not to reconsider the student’s guilt or innocence in those incidents. The committee will hear from the student’s academic advisor and the chair or program director of the student’s major department(s). The student will have an opportunity to address the committee if he or she wishes. The student may be accompanied by an advocate who is a current employee of the University who may not act as the student’s legal counsel.

The committee will make a recommendation of sanction to the dean of the student’s college, who will in turn make a recommendation to the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The decision of the Vice President for Academic Affairs will be final.