2016-2017 Graduate Catalog

Center for Christian-Jewish Understanding

The Center for Christian-Jewish Understanding (CCJU) is an educational and research division of Sacred Heart University. The center draws together clergy, laity, scholars, theologians, and educators to focus on current religious thinking within Christianity and Judaism. As each tradition reevaluates attitudes toward the other, the Center fosters the exploration of the major philosophical and theological issues on the frontier of the Christian–Jewish dialogue as these are formulated by scholars at the national and international levels. The Center’s mission is to develop programs and publications to overcome deep-seated antagonisms based on centuries of hostility and mutual estrangement that recent progress has not yet healed. It fosters greater knowledge and understanding of the religious traditions of Christianity and Judaism and the history of their relationship, and provides a forum for dialogue. It promotes independent research and serves as a vehicle for processing and circulating its findings to appropriate institutions around the world. For further information about the CCJU, call 203-365-7592 or visit its website at www.ccju.org.