SPE 270 Clinical Observations: Speech Therapy

Explore the world of Speech-Language evaluations and therapy sessions under the guidance of an ASHA certified Speech-Language-Pathologist. Students will analyze and interpret evaluations and therapy sessions for clients with a wide variety of communication disorders. Swallowing and Voice Disorders, Fluency and Neurological issues, are only a few of the areas that will be explored. The opportunity to complete 10-15 hours of the 25 hours that are required by the American Speech and Hearing Association is now available to students who wish to transfer to a program for continued studies in Communication Disorders. Observing and analyzing synchronous and asynchronous evaluation and therapy sessions (Master Clinician Website), will accompany relevant weekly discussions. A subscription to Master Clinician will be required for an additional fee.


SPE 210 or SPE 211


1 Credits, 1 Hour