Biology, BS
Students with a variety of science related interests and goals may choose the Biology major. The degree forms a solid background for biology related fields such as laboratory technician, agriculture/park services, food safety inspector, science writing, environmental science/remediation, water treatment, and for science related graduate work to prepare for professions in medical, research, veterinary medicine or specific environmental fields. The major contains a 31 credit hour core and two tracks; a 18 to 19 hour Cellular/Molecular Biology Track and a 12 hour Environmental Biology Track. Only one track need be selected. This major is often paired with a Chemistry Minor.
Program Learning Outcomes
The following learning outcomes are linked to assignments and activities throughout this program. After completing program requirements,
- Graduates will possess a comprehensive knowledge base of the biology and chemistry of organisms.
- Graduates will demonstrate critical thinking processes and the ability to analyze scientific literature.
- Graduates will apply proper safety and ethical practices in laboratory, clinical, and work environments.
- Graduates will be able to communicate effectively in written, oral, and visual forms.
- Graduates will employ appropriate experimental design and methodology to answer scientific questions with attention to validity of information.
- Graduates have considered their vocational goals and are reflective of how these may be embodied in their professional and/or personal lives.
Requirements for the BS in Biology
General Education Core 37 hours
Biological Science Core 31 hours
CHE 3514: may be included in the Chemistry Minor
Cellular/Molecular Biology Track 18/19 hours
Environmental Biology Track 12 hours
Minor (Chemistry Minor Recommended) 18-20 hours
Additional Required Support Courses 0-16 hours
MAT 1334 Pre-Calculus (included in gen ed), CHE 1514 and CHE 1524 College Chemistry I and II, CHE 2514 Organic Chemistry I, and PHS 2024 General Physics II are required support courses for the Biology major. Some support courses satisfy general education requirements.
Electives (Depending on Track and Minor Chosen) 6-24 hours
Total Credit Hours: 120