Undergraduate Catalog 2023-2024

Women’s Studies (Minor)

The Interdisciplinary Studies Program also offers a minor in women’s studies, which will heighten awareness of women’s lives, issues, accomplishments, and contributions within the context of courses in literature, psychology, art, history, sociology, and political science.

Minor Requirements

SOCI 3304Feminist Theories


Total Credit Hours:3
ENGL 2221Women Writers


HIST 3305History of Women


PSYC 2260Psychology of Women


PSYC 4441Internship in Human Services


SOCI 3357Sociology of Gender and Sexuality


SOSC 3398Internship


Total Credit Hours:12

Career Options

A women’s studies minor is useful for training in the professions: business, education, law, health sciences, social work, policy studies, or management. It also provides appropriate groundwork for graduate study in the social sciences and the humanities. On the personal level, course work in women’s studies enhances the human potential of both women and men by questioning and redefining societal values.