Graduate Catalog 2018-2019

Drama Education

Certification-only is an option (not a program) that may be requested by a prospective candidate who holds a master’s degree from an accredited institution and prefers not to pursue an additional master’s degree while seeking certification in drama education, general curriculum. The applicant’s transcript is reviewed by the advisor in the applicant’s intended field of certification. A proposed program of study is designed to provide depth of knowledge as well as applied experiences in the form of practica, student teaching, or internships. The proposed program is reviewed by the department chair and music education coordinator and, if approved, serves as the advisement sheet for that candidate. All other procedures and requirements of the School of Education and the college apply. Students in certification- only programs must successfully pass the appropriate GACE (Georgia Assessments for the Certification of Educators) content assessments in order to be recommended for certification. Completion of this program does not lead to a degree in drama education.