2021-2022 Catalog

Minor Requirements

Comparative Studies in Literature and Culture:

A minor in CSLC consists of five courses: one course course in theory and methodology (either CSLC 200 or CSLC 201), and four additional CSLC courses (student who take both CSLC 200 and CSLC 201 need only complete three additional CSLC course). This minor exposes students to world literature and culture in translation.


A minor in German language consists of five courses (20 units) numbered GERM 202 and above. Three of the five courses must be completed as Occidental courses.


A minor in Russian language consists of five courses (20 units) numbered RUSN 202 and above. Three of the five courses must be completed as Occidental courses.

Classical Studies:

Please see the Classical Studies area of the catalog for information on minoring in Classical Studies.