Approach to Learning
We believe that students and faculty should be continuously learning. Students learn from faculty, from each other, from their patients and from sources of professional information. Faculty members continue to learn in order to remain current on relevant information. The experiences of students and faculty result in evolution and growth of our programs. Students frequently learn by doing. The University takes the holistic perspective of student as future practitioner rather than focusing solely on course-based demonstrations of performance, such as tests. As a result, students receive and respond to frequent objective and subjective performance feedback from faculty, peers and patients. This mirrors the experience of most clinicians in practice, who must be dynamically responsive to patient feedback in order to be clinically effective and professionally successful.
University Learning Outcomes
Students will be able to demonstrate effective oral, non-verbal and written communication skills in a variety of contexts, with an emphasis on integrative and interprofessional activities.
Critical Thinking and Life-long Learning
Students will be able to acquire the skills to effectively apply evidence-based knowledge for personal growth and continuing professional development.
Health and Wellness
Students will be able to recognize the factors that influence health and well-being in personal and professional situations.
Ethics and Professionalism
Students will be able to demonstrate integrity by using ethical and professional behavior in all endeavors.
Civic Engagement
Students will be able to promote quality-of-life issues through advocacy and community outreach, including diverse perspectives and people.