Massage Therapy Programs Clinic Handbook

C. Clinic Fees and Payment Policies

Fees for massage therapy services in the DeRusha are lower than those for professional massage outside of a teaching context. Currently, the fee for an intern massage is $20 for 30 minutes, $40 for 1 hour, $60 for 90 minutes. Northwestern students, staff, faculty and their immediate family members are entitled to a 20% discount, bringing the cost down to $16, $32, & $48. Fees are subject to change and are established solely at the discretion of the university. No faculty, staff, or intern is authorized to alter or deviate from them without permission of the Dean of the College of Health and Wellness.

Payment is expected at each visit. Generally, massage therapy is not covered by health insurance plans. Our clinic does not bill insurance companies for massage therapy services. Our clinic accepts payment in cash, personal check, or credit card. As an intern, you may not make financial arrangements with clients and should not lead them to believe that payment for services is not expected. You should be aware of clinic fees and payment options and be able to explain them to clients. However, questions about payment options may be referred to a supervisor or front desk staff member.

Tipping Policy: It is the position of Northwestern Health Sciences University that massage therapy in our clinic is delivered as a health care modality and that tipping is inappropriate in a health care environment. Interns and professional practitioners are prohibited from accepting tips for their services in our clinic. If a client should offer a tip, please politely inform them of the policy and refuse to accept any money. It is also important to acknowledge and thank the client for the compliment.