IDS154 Literature of the Holocaust
Provides a factual background, psychological insights and analyses of the responses to the Holocaust in diaries, memoirs, fiction, poetry, drama, film, music and art. Principles of social pscyhology will be applied to better understand the Holocaust from the perspective of the perpetrators, victims, witnesses, resisters, liberators, survivors and their descendants. Fulfills open, liberal arts, humanities, behavioral science, social science electives.
Communication Proficiency
- BEH - Behavioral Science Elective
- HUM - Humanities Elective
- IDSH - IDS History Elective
- IDSO - ISO Social Science Elective
- IDSU - IDS Humanities Elective
- LA - Liberal Arts Elective
- MTBS - Mass Transfer Behav Science
- MTHA - Mass Transfer Humanities Arts
- NDIR - Nurse Ed Directed Elective
- OPEN - Open Elective
- SOSC - Social Science Elective