UTCH 300 Classroom Interactions

(2-2-3) Classroom Interactions continues the process of preparing you to teach mathematics, science, and engineering by providing opportunities to apply theories of learning developed in Knowing and Learning in instructional settings. You will design and implement instructional activities informed by your own understanding of what it means to know and learn mathematics and science, and then evaluate the outcomes of those activities on the basis of student artifacts (i.e. what students say, do, or create). An important focus of the course is on building your awareness and understanding of equity issues and their effects on student learning. Providing accommodations to meet the needs of all students is the heart of good teaching. Classroom Interactions is centered on a close examination of the interplay between teachers, students, content, and the world beyond schools, and how such interactions enable students to develop deep conceptual understanding. You will learn how content and pedagogy combine to make effective teaching.




UTCH 100, UTCH 150, UTCH 200, and UTCH 250