Government Major with Regional Analysis and Public Policy Track – Bachelor of Arts

The Institute for Regional Analysis and Public Policy (IRAPP) offers a track of 18 hours in regional analysis and public policy combined with the government major.

Program Competencies

Students are expected to possess:

The ability to exhibit knowledge of political conditions within the United States, including the working of formal and informal institutions and the role of conflict, special interest, power, and inequities in the policy making process.

  1. An understanding of the political systems in other countries, the relations between countries, and the functioning of international institutions. This is the basis for comparative study and evaluation of the United States political system.
  2. The ability to analyze the impact of government policies on social and economic conditions in the United States and other countries.
  3. The ability to recognize and value the varied nature of the human condition across individuals and culture groups through the practice of political analysis.
  4. The ability to use methods of political investigation, to conduct original studies, and to present findings from those investigations in written and oral formats.
  5. The ability to carry out studies in their area of expertise that include a significant analysis of regional resources and issues.
  6. The ability to present research and policy reports that are comprehensible to audiences of various public policymakers.
  7. The ability to interpret the output of regional resource analyses and their potential use in formulating public policymakers.


  1. Capstone course

Program Requirements (Government Major - Regional Analysis Track)

General Education

General Education courses


GOVT 230Introduction to Comparative Politics


GOVT 499CSenior Seminar


Total Credit Hours:36

Refer to the General Education requirements for a complete listing for the University.

Major Requirements

Required Introductory Courses

GOVT 141United States Government


GOVT 180Introduction to Political Theory


GOVT 230Introduction to Comparative Politics


GOVT 289Methods of Political Inquiry


Total Credit Hours:9

GOVT 230 is counted in the general education courses.

Required Electives

Choose three from the following:

GOVT 242State and Local Government


GOVT 329North American Politics: United States and Canada


GOVT 344Kentucky Government


GOVT 347American Public Policy


GOVT 351Public Administration


GOVT 364International Relations


Total Credit Hours:9

Regional Analysis Courses

RAPP 202Basic Computer Techniques in Regional Analysis


RAPP 203Society, Nature and Development


RAPP 300Seminar in Regional Issues I


RAPP 350Practicing Regional Analysis I


RAPP 450Practicing Regional Analysis II


RAPP 490Seminar in Regional Issues II


Total Credit Hours:18


All majors must also include a minor or additional major. See Terms to Know.

Total Credit Hours:21

Free Electives

(Any GOVT or PS elective, including courses not selected in "Required Electives")

Free Electives


Total Credit Hours:27

Total Credit Hours: 120